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My first ever zombie apocalypse audio! I'm really trying to step up my game this October, and so far, i'm lovin' it! This will be uploaded on Youtube v soon:)




The Jolly Dane

That moment you realize the popular girl isn't at all some spoiled brat, who exploits her own good looks and social following to step on nerds and losers, but actually just this cool person, who has it together, works hard in everything she does, keeps an open mind to new people and treats them encouragingly as long as they also treat her like a real person with human experiences, rather than hiding away like scared, judgemental little boys. Wow, I think I unbottled something personal when I started typing this, damn 👀

Ishwar Sawh

This can easily be turned into a cool movie, but I'd only watch it if you voiced/act the popular girl.

Jake D.

True, but I’m sure Erin would slay that first character too 👀 I don't think she's ever really tried a character that is just super rude and full of herself the whole time and is purely taking advantage of her looks. I'd be curious to see it :P