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I know you invited me over for a different reason;) 

Hey guys! There's some important news I'd like you to know. Starting tomorrow, i'll be going on a week long vacation, which means I won't have the time to record audios. However, I will still try and post whatever I can on here! I have also emailed a few of you your commissions, but there is still a few more i have to get to. I appreciate your patience more than you could ever know, and I love you guys<3 Take care!



Carlos M.

Have a terrific time!


Have fun on vacation! Make sure to enjoy your break and be safe!


Have a nice vacay ;)


Enjoy your vacation!

Riptide Kuroki

Stay safe and have fun on vacation :)


Have a nice vacation and enjoy yourself!


Have fun and I’m excited to listen to this one later!

Jake D.

mmmmhhhh your voice is just the personification of "popular girl". You're so good at this.

Jake D.

"Do you like that?" is honestly one of the hottest lines that not enough audio girls like this say nearly enough. This felt super natural and immersive and that makes you extra hot 😍

Bryan Peterson

I seriously love your voice.

Jake D.

Ugh this is so amazing! I have an idea for an audio after you’re done with vacation :)

Timothy Morgan

You are wonderfully angelicly dreamy awesome. I will continue to support you just for audios like this🙂

Sanpaku Eyes

I will never be able to look at your YouTube audios the same, not saying I don’t like this


This episode and scenes are so hot and vivid. I think Endearin is amazing and captures my mental and emotional stares. Her voice is an instant aphrodisiac.