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I’ve been receiving constant messages asking me about why I disabled the downloadable links to my Patreon audios. That is because people are downloading my audios and leaking them for free on the internet, outside of Patreon. To prevent that, I had to disable those for the moment. Please remember that I have free audios for listen on Youtube. I work hard on what I do.

But, I need you guys to please do me a favor. If you use reddit, please search up “Endearin’ Audio” on there, and report whatever links or posts you see of people posting/requesting for my Patreon audios. There is one specific person on there asking and receiving, and that person is uploading the same audios elsewhere. I just want to make sure that my patreon content that YOU pay for, is exclusive for you and only you. So please help me if you can. It’s much appreciated. ❤️

New cute SFW audio & book reading coming soon! Stay tuned<3



Completely understand, it's your work and you should be paid for it.

The Jolly Dane

That's exactly why I figured you disabled that, and even though I'm sad I can't download for myself, it's a completely understandable decision and I support it wholeheartedly


I gochu. Leaking your audios is theft, plain and simple.

Carlos M.

You got it. Sucks this is still going on, so I’ll do what I can.


understandable have a nice day


time to hop on reddit (will do my part and report these losers)

Prophet Tentakles

Sucks that some people have to be assholes. And the report system of Reddit is fucking dogshit. I cant find the right thing to report them for.


There are various ways of downloading a stream still (even simple browser extensions) such that it seems on balance more of an inconvenience to patrons than to a pirate; but, it is your property to do with as you please.

Jake D.

This is still happening? God I’m sick of these entitled losers. I will do my best to help as well.

Jake D.

I mean if it inconveniences us it inconveniences them too. Though to be honest I think the biggest takeaway from this is that it got our attention and now we’re gonna go help her stop the leakers &gt;:O


My issue is that i can't listen to them at all unless paying. Not even past audios. So Im all for personal use and download.


This is still a thing? It's a shame that people don't care that they're not only hurting the creator but the rest of the community. Will do what I can to help find and report. Thank you for all your hard work!


Ouch sorry to hear that D: