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Here is an actual response I received from someone who I respectfully asked to stop requesting leakers from posting my paid content for free on Reddit. But instead, he said that and i’ve never been angrier before. There’s PLENTY of free audio porn to go around the internet. Do NOT even think of posting mine for free. I was very on edge with creating NSFW content before doing this, and i told myself that if I ever do, it’d only be on Patreon. The fact that people think this should be taken as a “massive compliment” is a joke. I’m asking whoever has the intention of leaking my audios for free to stop and not support me on Patreon anymore. That’s hurting me massively, and i hope you know that. Stuff like this is very discouraging for me and it makes me feel as if I never should have done this in the first place…




That's just downright disrespectful


This is actually disgusting that they think that


Those scumbags need taught a lesson


The guy is obviously a massive twat, plenty of ways to deal with idiots like him


I'm sorry that you are going through this.

Prophet Tentakles

Uhh another person who gets the weekly Trashie McDogshit award from me, when does this stop? Disgustang


What a$$hole it your content! Sorry for that happening to you.

Benjamin Horton

The fucking entitlement of some people. It’s YOUR content. If you wanted to release to anywhere other than Patreon, you’d do it yourself. Fuck that guy and anyone else who thinks like this 😡

Lucy First

God what a scumbag

Josh Lambert

This pisses me off. The NSFW stuff is supposed to be an incentive to be a patron. You are in no way required to make it! I'm sorry you have to deal with this


Really can't believe people think its ok to take your hard work and share it without permission.


“maybe if you posted your patreon vids for free people wouldn’t do this” lmao my dude- 💀 first of all it’s your account so you can do whatever makes you feel best. second of all, if people wanna hear the stuff you post on here then they should choose to support you on here to get to hear em just like we all do on here. damn this person just needs to quit n shush he be making me weak


Lol people just down bad. Sucks that you feel discouraged but not much u can really do besides copyright claim/report them. People are prolly gonna do it regardless of posts like these.


Yo WTF? Thats like asking as a customer if you can get the service for free. The others are still paying so it should be fine


This person is real shit

Cactus Man

Ok just go the no mercy route and bombard them with copyright reports until they are forced to stop. If that doesn't work, uh nuclear option: ban wave.

Thomas Herrera

Have you thought of blocking them? That way they can't access your audios. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/207982093-How-do-I-block-a-patron-


People like this pisses me off so much, what a scumbag


Most people are rightfully saying that this is absolutely scummy. What I'll say is that your content is very much worth paying for. I know this doesn't solve the problem, but just thought you'd want to know.


What a d*ckhead. Can we help by reporting or something ? Can reddit block his ip or something ?

Darkrug 9000

I'll continue to support. I may not have been here long, but I enjoy your content ^^


Leak their name. We'll take care of the rest


Tbf it's just theft and stealing your content this is costing you income

Cactus Man

Wait I have another idea

Cactus Man

This is gonna be a real bad idea but, hiring a hacker to get their info.


I’m so sorry you are dealing with this sort of issue. Please know we appreciate everything you do here.


What a bunch of dickbags, hate that this is happening. Not fucking cool


"Maybe if you posted some of your patreon videos for free" bruh Isn't that what your youtube channel is for lol


It's truly a shame to think like he does. Would that person consider doing their job without getting paid? Or allow theft in a market because the merchant "still makes a ton of money"? I can't do much except being vigilant and signal leakers if I see one, but at least I can offer you a big hug from France.


don’t be shy, tell us who they are 😃


Burglars don't talk about the people whose houses they robbed like that. For instance: 'They should be honored they had something that I thought was woth stealing'. This person who's doing this to you is a jerk.


What a piece of actual shit.

Nico Strange

Doesn't this fall under copyright?


Fucking hell

Richard Dunn

Difficult to put into words just how furious this made me. Hope it is resolved soon for you Erin, you don't deserve having to deal with complete wastes of breath such as that.

Lou Soto

Sorry to see you dealing with this, you've got lots of people here that have got your back! Hopefully these guys stop or they get banned from everything!


The reasons people are coming up with for posting Patreon content for free without the creators permission are just fucking stupid.


I'm very sorry you and your work were treated this way. It is very disrespectful, and it displays an entitlement, delusion, and lack of care for the rights of creators that sadly some people have (that they wouldn't have if it were them). I'm very sorry.


I can't tell you what to do about it or how you should feel. I recognize that there is a kneejerk reaction to this sort of thing, and it is different for everyone. I truly hope whatever you decide to do ends up being better for everyone, and that you don't feel the risk you took was wasted. In the end, I hope for you to be well.

The Jolly Dane

Sorry to be that guy, but typo in the last sentence


goes to show that anybody who feels like it’s okay to leak something of value has never gotten checked before. i hope they learn to better themselves and not have such a loser mentality. if anybody wants the audio, put your money where your mouth is, if not, don’t go begging for it. you ruin it for everyone else, plain and simple.


"maybe if you posted your videos for free people wouldn't do this" But... dude... then she wouldn't make money. The only way she "still makes a lot of money" is by... making money. Seems like he sort of contradicts his own thoughts and intentions


I will never understand people like that. How much money you make shouldn't even matter, your patreon audios are still your property, and he still makes you out to be the bad guy

Jake D.

wow... I knew these people were entitled and inconsiderate but I had no idea they were THAT dumb. I hope this doesn't continue to be a problem.


“Why do you care, you still making a ton of money” Not If the audios ore leaked bro

Bryan Peterson

It's the principle of the thing. You put a lot of work into this stuff so it stands to reason you'd be upset.


That’s One very sad, small and pathetic person.

shadow the world

Thats just not right he us just wrong