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I’m planning to make a Patreon special Q&A, so whatever questions you guys might have for me, please feel free to ask them in the comment section! Just make sure it isn’t something too personal or ”uncomfortable”, though I judge you wouldn’t anyways. When I collect enough questions from you amazing people, I’ll record a cozy Q&A and we’ll go from there! 💖 



*insert awesome question here*


Does pineapple belong on pizza?


Just to clarify you want us to ask you questions in this comment section right?


Do you ever feel awkward when pretending to be a character, either SFW or NSFW. Or do you enjoy getting into character? If so, why?


For how long do you see yourself doing this in the future?


Would you be willing to do either a singular or a series of SFW or NSFW audios with Fawniva? Because the two of you together would be amazing


Since it is a one-sided conversation, how do you write your script? Do you actually write the listener dialogue?


Besides making great ASMR videos, do you have any other creative interests? What's your favorite way to spend a Saturday?


ever thought about doing voice acting for adult games? there is a big market out there would be an interesting way to branch out.


yeah after reading the post I think this question is a little inappropriate for what you were aiming for with this QnA, sorry instead let me ask this, What are your plans with your voice acting career do you see yourself working on bigger projects, (visual novels or even dubbing)


What is a piece of media that if you were able, remove from your mind in it's entirety and get that time back. As in this book, movie, show etc that was so bad that I want that time back horrible. What would that piece of media be? Also, a more common question, what is a series that you would want to experience again for the first time? Hope your year is going great.


Out of the many audio role plays you do, which is one you would like to happen in your life irl.


What's a book series you I've read in your life that impacted you or that you can't seam to get out of your head?


In addition, I cried listening to one of your audios the other day, what is a positive reaction that you've gotten from us that has warmed your heart or made you cry or something like it?


What inspired you to do asmr audios.


Do you like voicing one type of character more than others?


What caused Rome to fall?


what're your thoughts on cryptocurrency?


What is your outlook on life? I’ve been struggling to find much purpose with mine. What gets you up out of the bed in the morning? Sorry that was 2 , love the content, keep it up :D

Cactus Man

Do you like shotguns

The Jolly Dane

How far would you take your nsfw stuff? Like, would you do a rambleshlick?

The Jolly Dane

Would you consider opening a curiouscat account so we can ask questions anytime :)

The Jolly Dane

Did you ever take self defense classes?

The Jolly Dane

What's your love language?

The Jolly Dane

What's something you love, but everyone else seems to hate? AND What's something you hate, but everyone else seems to love?

The Jolly Dane

What's your favorite theme park to visit?

The Jolly Dane

Did you know there's a vaccination program you can take to condition away seasonal allergies?

The Jolly Dane

If your clone walked up to you out of nowhere and said "I'm the real you", how would you react?

The Jolly Dane

What's the biggest fight you ever got into?

The Jolly Dane

Do you have a workout program you follow?

The Jolly Dane

What's your favorite smell?

The Jolly Dane

Do you play any instruments?

The Jolly Dane

How many languages can you speak?

The Jolly Dane

Do you see why I want that curiouscat account? :)


What's your absolute favorite TV Show and Movie? Are you Religious/ Do you believe in fate/destiny? Do the ends justify the means?


What languages do you speak? If it’s only English, what languages would you want to learn?


What your favorite genre of book/tv show? I love action, thriller, fantasy, horror, and you could throw romance in their too.


Favorite kind of food? (American, Mexican, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, etc)


If you could go back in time and change a mistake no matter how big or small would you or do you feel it all lead to being better


If you were given the opportunity to voice act in a movie based off a book, what book would it be and why?


When will you be making a pegging audio?


What are your future plans? Do you see doing VA long term? Do you plan to settle down have a family? What's Erin's vision for her life years from now?


Will we have a chance to suggest roleplay ideas and maybe we'll have a poll for new content ideas? Also any update on getting a computer? Also, any plans on doing a merch line and such? Finally, any new ideas or plans in terms of your NSFW content?


Whats your favorite thing to do in you off time

beserker 0625

How do you feel knowing that your audios help some of us through dark moments?


Is shyness a turnoff?


Do you like to travel?


Why did you get o to asmr originally


If you had the opportunity to va in video games or anime would and if so would there be a series you'd like to the most


When you do your role-playing is it hard to embody the characters you play or do ypu enjoy it.


What is your favorite thing you've done with your asmr channels and what is your favorite thing about being an asmrtist


Have you ever thought about doing a horror rp? Like not when you are the sexy dominant vampire who threatens her love interest to not run away or he'll die; but you and your love interest running away from and working against the threat? I think that be neat.


What’s your favorite asmr channel other than your own.


What keeps you motivated when you are at the lowest of low? When you wake up and you are unsure that what you are doing is what you truly want to do?

wsgoodjulian 1

what’s your favorite song atm?