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So, here is a little question for you guys. Do you receive any ASMR tingles at all? What are some of your favorite triggers if you do? (I promise i'll go to sleep now)



For me it's the hand movement and intelligible sounds


It has to be a sound I haven’t heard for while

Carlos M.

I’m really Game for any sounds. Nothing specific, but as soon I start hearing them with the phone off...down I go. 😴


I'm down for any sound, but weirdly enough, bone pops, like the ones people get at the chiropractor lol


Probably head scratches to be honest. A few minutes of that and boom I'm gone lol. Also girl it's 4 AM OVER HERE 😆


Most of the triggers that give me the best tingles are more visual than auditory. Like watching someone concentrate on something like sketching or inspecting something while mumbling/whispering to themselves


The audios are Audiobook single perspective short story's to me. I've never had any tingles from them, that's probably why I perceive them as audio short story's and not ASMR. Love your audios btw :)

Lance Petersen

I don't think I've ever had a ASMR tingle, odd, different sounds don't seem to do much for me. Voices, certain voices telling a story, reading aloud. such as your audios and readings give me chills at times, your audios,voice is a trigger.

Nicolas Alayza

Fav triggers are either whispering or quiet talking with asmr softness, or soft humming in my ears

Chino Nuñez

Cowboy-like triggers. Guns, rope, knives, etc


My favourite triggers would be soft whispers

Clutch Reignz

I usually like soft speaking just rambling about anything