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Let me know what you guys think! PS, the volume of the mic wasn't all the way up, so it might not sound as loud:)




Insert random comnent


I think it works too well now I can hear everything including the echo of the room


It sounds wonderful


If I may, maybe it's just me but the recording with the mic gave you a bit of an echo. Like you have an angelic voice, and the mic made sound more angelic in a booming sense, I don't know if that made sense haha. I do wanna know if the model or type of this new mic whether it's a dynamic or condenser, because of how much it can pick up in the background. I liked the old mic because it had a bit more bass but I do not mind if you used this too though. Quite interested to see how it'll sound like in a new video!


Althouuuuugh i think your other one was better at noise cancelation

Lance Petersen

I have not noticed anything wrong with it. Your family there watching a movie, of course we would hear them. Noise canceling does not cancel out every bit of sound. I like the sound from it, hope you use it. Btw tea with honey, lemon, works great for the throat. Hope you feel better, 💖