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Your friend has dragged you to a huge party that everyone at your college is attending but amidst all of the chaos, you choose to sit outside on your own...until you're met with the popular girl from one of your classes who you've been crushing on for a while. She's pretty, down to earth and most of all bubbly but right now, she seems a little down.

You choose to comfort and hear her out but what happens between you two when she lays her head in your lap and asks you to play with her hair? 

Hello my loves and happy Wednesdayyy!

I chose to keep this audio a little sweet and light hearted, focusing more on the dialogue rather than the usual kissing and heavy flirting. I feel like we need some comfort here and there right? Especially because plenty of you have been requesting reverse comfort audios. This one is for you! I hope you enjoy:)

PS, I hope you love the finished art work that you’ve all voted on!!

Happy listening




Peak as always


Coming to this super late cause of a busy day yesterday and being sleepy at the end, but yet another scenario I'd love to be in 🥰🥰 Getting intimate with the popular girl in any way is a dream hehe.