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So, I would like to try something a little bit different for the November Poll- a little contest. As much as I love stripping video game and comic book ladies, sometimes its the stories of real life exposures that are the most exciting, at least to me.

Here is the contest- tell me a story of a sexy accidental exposure you witnessed or (you ladies) had happen to yourself.  Peeks up the skirt or down the blouse, misbehaving swimsuits, bursting buttons and seams; its all good.

On November 1 I will pick the winner and illustrate it for the November 15 update (I will work with the winner to make sure I capture their memory as best as possible!)

A couple of helpful pointers-

1. Details!  All the little details really help bring a story to life. What was she wearing? What did she look like? How did she react? Even if your recollection if hazy, fill in the details with some poetic license!

2. Embellishment is the key to good storytelling- within reason.  Feel free to (un)dress up you story with a few touches to make it really pop- just stay in the realm of the believable.

3. Nothing criminal.  Seeing a woman's dress blow off in the wind is lucky, tearing a woman's dress off is assault. Behave!

So in December we will probably return to the usual poll format, but I figured this would be a fun little experiment.  Thanks everyone!



I shared a bit of this on DA one time, but I got a pretty solid view of a couple making with the intercourse one night as I was walking home from work. It was a ground-floor apartment, and all of a sudden I heard the unmistakable noises of a lady in climax (or pretend one)- her guy had her legs up and was doing his thrusting thing. It was over in seconds, and I kind of scurried away, as the guy was facing the open window (yes, they were banging in front of a GROUND FLOOR OPEN WINDOW). Of course, I wandered back to see if there was more to offer. Apparently the girl had slid on her panties quickly enough, and was now walking around topless, engaging in random conversation (I was a good 20 feet away and on the sidewalk; standing by the window is REAL creepy stuff)- however, she suddenly seemed aware of the window, and was now holding her arm across her chest, covering up what were probably non-staggering A-cups at best. After a couple of minutes of this, I think she spotted me, gesturing to her boyfriend to something outside. I kind of did the "DOO-de-DO-DO" walk along as if I was always just walking on by, and pretty soon the blinds were closed. Easily the only time I've seen people doing it right in front of me, though. I don't have your "Nipslip Sense" :). Embellished Version: She was all like "AIIIIEEEEEEEEE!!!!" as she saw a stranger out the window, desperately covering her breasts and turning away so the creeper wouldn't see her panties. Or she spotted him whilst in mid-coitus, her legs pushing against her boyfriend's chest, and suddenly desperately went grabbing to cover her privates.


Is it just me, or do some women have a completely backward idea of how windows work? I've known so many ladies that close their curtains on bright sunny days but parade around with the shades up at night. Thankfully, a few of those ladies were also quite sexy.! :D


Yeah, it's weird- sunlight can be a bit annoying when it's too bright out, but I NEVER leave the curtains open when it's nighttime. Everyone can see directly in when you've got the lights on!


Ok I dont know if this counts as a wardrobe malfunction but here it goes. For resuming me and a friend were rehearsing for a dance choreography for a shity contest of dance choreogrphys for the town holidays we where there only because we were almost 2 meters tall and they want us for lift a girl by the legs while she made a split. The thing was that she did artistic gymnastics in the past but now she has lost part of her flexibility and for start she want us to lift her while she traied to make the full split " if ina split the legs make a 180ª she could only made a 160ª " Her plan was to start moving up and dawn with her torso until the legs separated appropriately. The thing was that she was wearing a a grey very thick and realy thight yoga pants, that mark her a big camel toe. As she started to go up and down eventually she made it the full split but she want to keep going to make sure her muscles stretch appropriately, in that position some kind of friction start to hapening between her legs and the yoga pants because she put a face of realy being enjoing it, then she that everione was aware of what was going on and her face start to being realy flush and tried to cober it with her ands. For resuming the story, her lost her balance fell of ass in the grass " we were ina public park" stand up and run away, and that was the end of it, we did not participate in the contest at the end. :(


Maybe not a traditional wardrobe malfunction, but still a great story!

Dalek Supreme

I will post a link to my story Gemma and the shoes! <a href="http://daleksupreme.deviantart.com/art/Gemma-and-the-shoes-494942567" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://daleksupreme.deviantart.com/art/Gemma-and-the-shoes-494942567</a>

Dalek Supreme

One more story. Venus in the Louvre. I was in Paris with a friend and we went to visit the Louvre. As we went round we admired the beautiful art and sculpture, stunned by the quality of the world famous artists through time magnificently presented in a superb setting. Suddenly we came across a perfect scene... Beauty personified... A gorgeous French brunette, her hair cascading down her back, lit perfectly by the rays of the sun glinting from the 16 Century glass in the windows. She was a member of the Museum staff and in deep conversation with a senior professor. She cannot have been more than 25 in the full flush of her prime womanhood. What little makeup she war accentuated her features perfectly under the brunette bangs that framed her face. The eye of the observer was irresistibly drawn to the gentle curves of her firm body as it ran from her slender neck around the beautiful perfect C cup bosom and firm slim stomach. Under her navy Chanel jacket and white silk blouse she wore a kaki wrap around skirt, that in her animated conversation had fallen completely open. There casually revealed was a smooth full length of leg clad from her Christian Louboutin heels over her shapely calf to her thigh in nude silk Wolford stockings with a thick lace welt, sparkling in the same light that gave life to Antonio Canova's Psyche Revived by Cupid's Kiss. Her perfect thigh was gently indented with a black garter strap that lead up to the tinyest glimpse of black satin panty lace on the hip... Never before or since have I seen such innocent and unaware beauty. She oozed unobtainable feminine sexuality with every passionate phrase she uttered in the language of De Sade. Her image was indelibly burned on my retina. Rembrandt? Pah! The Mona Lisa? Hideous! Titian? An amateur! Nothing that day could compare with this descendent of Eve, this modern Cleopatra. The 15 minutes I had staring at her bare legs seemed like days, weeks, then she suddenly stood up and her skirt swished back into place and the magic faded as her graceful step carried her into the back rooms of the museum. I considered running the risk of trespass and like the gibbering idiot I had become following her into those studious forbidden corridors of art, as I went to move, my friend grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the land of the living. I would never know who she was but the living physical manifestation of Venus that day.