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The layered PSD for Velma's misadventure. As you Tier 2 and about patrons might discover in the layered PSD file, I did a couple of studies and explorations on this one.  The original idea was What If Velma's impressive chest stopped her from falling through the booby trap door.  The pun writes itself.  Then I decided Velma's impressive chest was too nice to stay all wrapped up.


Dalek Supreme

Can't find the download old bean!


For the PSD? It should have been in the second message. The one right after the jpg.


same here, can't find the PSD


OK, stupid me. Forgot the PSD attachment! My bad! It's there now (at least it should be)


OK, it should be there now. Let me know of you still cant see it.

Dalek Supreme

All good thank you mate!