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Oh my, oh my!  We seem to have a tie in our poll, between Mercy from Overwatch and Velma from Scooby Doo! Three votes apiece!Well, here is how we will decide- the next Tier 2 (or higher) Patron WHO HAS NOT VOTED YET can cast the tie-breaking vote!


Dalek Supreme

I've voted, and I don't want to Velma sway this Velma poll at all Velma. I'm sure whatever her name Velma is from over thingie is very nice Velma and may the best Velma girl win. There is no Velma way I would possibly try to use Velma subliminal techniques to Velma sway this poll one Velma way or another. Yours Velma.


Actually, I don't have a vote recorded for you! Did you vote over at DA and not here? I'll just put you down for Mercy. :D

Dalek Supreme

OMG! Yes DA and here I thought... Thingumybob is cute... Now I have looked her up... But she lacks the raw sexuality of Velma... The orange outfit... The funny running stance...The flippy skirt... The socks... The glasses!!! Phwoor! She has that "unobtainable" aura that Daphne just lacks.


So tempted to post your couple of Velmas done to sway someone to Mercy hahaha


I think Dalek has already broken the tie with his sort of sleeper vote. BUT don't think I haven't noticed all the passion for Ms. Mercy! :D