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Illustrated fiction" was the big winner of the last poll, so why not a little yarn of our klutzy friend Jenny and her foil Ashley?

As always, HUGE love and thanks to YOU, my generous and supportive patrons! Thank you so much for indulging this naughty littl endeavor!

For those not in the know, Jenny is a bit of a folkloric heroine in the ENF community. In the dawn of the internet, someone named "Jenny's husband" offered up his wife- a clumsy but curvaceous blonde - as a protagonist for the communities naughty appetites and imaginings.

Jenny and the Yoga Pants

Jenny had been dying to try Ashley’s gym for ages. It was the coolest gym in town; all new machines, great music, amazing classes, and everyone there was movie star-hot. After weeks of pestering Ashley, the surly brunette finally caved to Jenny’s repeated requests. The two met up on a Saturday morning for a session of hot yoga.

Jenny was euphoric. The gym and the session were everything she had imagined; chic, luxurious and challenging. It wasn’t until the locker room that the bubbly blonde had her bubble burst…

No privacy stalls! Just everyone changing out in the open. Small wonder, all the women were fit and gorgeous. No one had anything to hide, but Jenny was just too shy to strip down in front of strangers.

Ashley wasn’t. Off came her sweaty yoga pants, panties and bra, and she sauntered off to the showers. Jenny wrestled internally with the dilemma… maybe she could just shower at home? But Ashley would never let Jenny in her car all sweaty…

There was nothing else to be done about it. Jenny needed a shower. It’s not like she hadn’t been naked in front of strangers before, but it had always been against her best intentions. The very thought brought dozens of humiliating memories flooding back, making butterflies tickle her tummy.

Jenny took a deep breath and undressed as quickly as possible; shoes, socks, yoga pants, top, sports bra and the last defense of her modesty, her cotton panties. She grabbed her towel and toiletries and—

A deafening alarm BLARED!!

The nude blonde stood stunned by the klaxons… was it something she had done?

Ashley rushed in, still sopping wet and wrapped in a towel.

“Jenny, what the hell are you doing?!”

“I-I don’t know—what’s happening?”

“It’s the FIRE ALARM, you ditz!” Ashley barked. “Get dressed! Hurry!”

Jenny froze in panic. Her clothes, Ashely’s clothes all heaped on the bench. She didn’t know what to grab first…

“We’re going to burn alive, Jenny! Put something on!” Ashley knew there probably wasn’t a real fire, but the spacy blonde was so easy to fluster she couldn’t resist.

Jenny grabbed a pair of white yoga pants and slipped her legs in. Sliding them up her sweaty thighs was a challenge. Ashley grew impatient, watching the curvy blonde whimper and jiggle. She grabbed the waistband with both hands a hoisted the pants up over Jenny’s round butt. 

Jenny YELPED in surprise.

Other women were already racing out the locker room through the fire door in the back.

“Let’s GO!” Ashley grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her along, Jenny’s fat naked breasts bouncing wildly.

“Ashley wait! My boobs! My boobs--!” Jenny cried. Ashely pretended not to hear, under the clamor of the fire alarm. And before Jenny could resist, they were outside…

Jenny found herself barefoot and topless, in the strip mall alley behind a gym, surrounded by around 30 other gym buffs. She sheepishly cupped her plump breasts against the leering stairs and lewd grins.

And no one was grinning more than Ashley; she secretly delighted in watching the buxom blonde embarrass herself in public. Even more so if Ashely could help that embarrassment along.

Although Ashely wasn’t doing much better. Dressed in nothing but a small damp towel, she was attracting her own share of naughty stares. Not that Ashley minded the attention so much; she wasn’t the chaste little prude that Jenny was. In fact, she was a little resentful to be upstaged by the buxom blonde.

“Hmmmm, I wonder if we can get those pants over your tits,” Ashely mused.

“What?! What do you mean?” 

“Like a tube top. Just hike them up a little higher.” Ashely explained. 

“B-but I don’t wear tube tops!” Tube tops and d-cup breasts were a recipe for humiliation. But Ashely was already behind Jenny, sliding her fingers into the waistband of the yoga pants.

Ashely gave a mighty heave, sliding the pants up Jenny’s midriff.  “Stuff those titties in there!”

Jenny blushed at the vulgarity, but she obeyed, trying to squeeze her ample 36-inch DD chest into pants meant to shape a 24-inch waist. Her trembling boobs popped free again and again, and Jenny struggled to hide her soft pink nipples from her growing audience.

Ashley gave another yank. The pants slid in deep between Jenn’s butt cheeks. Another fierce yank, and the inseam slipped up into Jenny’s… lady place. She had only let two men ever even touch her there, and now these yoga pants were getting to third base with her—in front of a crowd!

“Wait a minute- these are MY yoga pants!” Ashley laughed. Jenny realized she had grabbed the petit brunette’s smaller pants in all the confusion.

“Oh well. Work with what we got!” Ashley gave another might pull, and Jenny’s tits at long last stuffed into the over-stretched waistband. But the crotch was so deep inside her it looked painted-on.

Ashely took a moment to appreciate Jenn’s predicament; stuffed into a too small pair of yoga pants, spilling out the top, in front of dozens of amused onlookers.

“Can we go back inside yet?” The fire alarm had stopped, at long last.

“The exit doors locked,” someone observed. “We’ll have to walk around to the front entrance.”

Jenny did not relish walking around to the front of the very public shopping center, on a busy Saturday morning, barefoot, in nothing but a pair of under-sized white yoga pants.

“Maybe we should just wait here.” Jenny said. “Maybe someone will open the door for us…”

Ashly was about to challenge her, but she wasn’t keen on walking around in public in nothing but a wee baby blue towel. She knew she was flashing glimpses of butt cheek – and possibly more – and Jenny’s clothing misfortunes often spilled over onto her.

The gods, however, had other plans.

A few sprinkles of rain at first… but building steadily. The overtaxed yoga pants where already hinting at the blushing flesh underneath, but the rain was slowly turning them transparent. Jenny was about to perform a one-woman wet T-shirt contest in front of dozens of strangers, sans the t-shirt.

“Nope! Nope! Nope!” Jenny took off at a brisk trot. She tugged at the waistband with both hands, hefting her tits up like a bustier. Her trembling cleavage would make a Renaissance faire trollop blush.

Ashley followed close behind; she didn’t want to miss the show. And in fact, her towel was soaking up the rain, making it heavier and heavier.

Walking made the yoga pants ride up into Jenny’s lady bits, and walking fast made them ride up even faster. It made Jenny think of her college boyfriend… and that time they went to see Thor… in the mostly empty theater…

NO! Jenny murmured to herself! She squeezed her thighs, as if to drive out the memories of Norse gods and horny boys and busy fingers; but that just squeezed the crotch material against her most sensitive places… 

The rain was turning the yoga pants from “painted on” to “melted on”. With her arms busy holding up the pants, and the… molestations all that holding up was causing, Jenny’s round behind was wiggling and swaying even more than before.

That tight crotch worked its way more and more; it was more cheeky and aggressive than that sleazy broker she dated just after college, with his expensive cologne and smoother fingers…

Jenny desperately needed to guard her thoughts, but these molesting yoga pants were giving her naughty ideas. The soaked inseam was lubricated now -perhaps by more than just rainwater- and it was exploring her right there in front of Ashley and dozens of strangers. Slipping … sliding… rubbing… squeezing… She quickened her pace… but that just… quickened the pace.

Jenny, Ashley and their audience rounded the corner of the strip mall—to see a parking lot FILLED with first responders. Fire trucks, police cars, and an ambulance. A mob of uniformed police officers and fire fighters, between Jenny and the entrance to the gym.

“No no no!” Jenny’s eyes flared wide. “No way!”

“Fine!” Ashley snipped. “Stay here, in the rain.” Ashley strutted forward, almost seeming to anticipate the attention of all those horny eyes.

“Don’t leave me!” Jenny grabbed Ashley by the shoulder, and each woman popped a boob from their precarious outfits. Jenny squealed and stuffed her errant titty back into the stretched-out waistband.

“Alright” Ashley snarled, re-knotting her towel. “Let’s hop the rail here and we can sneak in through the handicap ramp.”

“Hop… the handrail…” The butterflies in Jenny’s tummy increased tenfold.

“Or you can just wait out here for them to leave… in about an hour or so.”

Jenny eyed the handrail partitioning off the handicap ramp. Just a plain ol’ metal handrail. No hooks or nails to snag her clothes. No sticky gum. No bees. Just a nice safe rail…

Jenny swallowed hard, grasped the rail with both hands, and threw one bare foot over…

“OOH!” Her weight settled on the rail—right against her poor, tormented sex. The rail was just the right height to keep the blonde on her tiptoes, and the sudden stimulation made her knees weak and rubbery.

“What’s your problem, Jenny?” Ashley slung her own leg over, taking care not to flash her naked kitty as she did. But the snarky brunette was shorter than Jenny, and suddenly found her toes tangling above the ground, her pussy supporting her full weight against the rail.

“Oh my God!” She grabbed on to Jenny for balance, nearly toppling the blonde.

Jenny scrambled to steady herself, but the action popped one nude tit from her yoga pants, then the other. “Ashley, no!”

The all too familiar sound of laughter and lewd whistles. Jenny had to get off that railing immediately. She grasped the brass railing with both hands, trying to block out the crowd swelling around her. With a trembling kick she hoisted her leg, prepared to unmount the railing---


If the telltale sound wasn’t enough of a clue, the sudden release of tension across her backside left no doubt; the yoga pants had split open from the small of her back, though her crotch. Jenny’s naked butt cheeks slapped against wet metal, and she could feel her bare kitty pressed against the hard railing.

All the movement and excitement was too much for the abused yoga pants. With Jenny’s attention distracted, her glistening tits tumbled free, to cheers and huzzahs from the crowd.

“Oh my gosh NO!” Jenny cried. “Ashely, I-I think I ripped your pants…”

Jenny fumbled with her exposed tits, trying to stuff them back into the stretched-out waistband. But she had asked too much of the poor yoga pants; once the crotch seam split, their integrity was lost. Every tug and yank was answered with ripped stitching and burst seams, revealing more and more flesh.

But Ashley had problems of her own; the rail was so high she couldn’t find any foothold, and so slippery she stayed upright only by clenching it betwixt her thighs. All that teasing and prancing around in just a towel was already making Ashley pretty horny, and now leaning on her tingling clit was making her head spin.

Ashley was so bothered and distracted, she never noticed her damp towel unknot and slither down her body. It was 11 am on a gray Saturday at a suburban strip mall, and Ashley was butt naked, grinding herself against a hand rail.

“Ashley help me--- OH MY GOSH! Ashley! You’re NAKED!” Roars of laughter from the crowd.

Embarrassment eclipsed lust across Ashley’s face. She scrambled for her errant towel, but the frantic effort threw her off-balance. Jenny grabbed her friend to steady her, but both women were too soaked with adrenaline and rainwater.

“Jenny NO!” Unbalanced from their perch, both women tumbled to the handicap ramp in a heap of wet, quivering flesh, with the buxom blonde on top—

“Get off of me, you COW!” Ashley hissed, Jenny’s plump breasts pressing against her face. But Jenny was too busy shielding her exposed kitty from countless leering eyes and cell phones.

With a grunt, Ashley shoved Jenny off of her, stumbled to her feet and rushed for the gym entrance through a crowd of gawking firefighters.

Jenny realized the only thing worse than being naked and humiliated (yet again) was to be naked and humiliated all by herself. She wobbled to her feet and chased after Ashley, one hand cupping her pass, the other juggling her breasts.

Even as she stumbled across the emptied gym, Jenny could hear the cheers and laughter ringing from outside.

The women retreated to the locker room to recover their clothes and their dignity. As the sound of returning gym members echoed through the building, the women franticly redressed.

Even back in the modesty of their street clothes, both women were crimson with shame over their whole perverted display.

“I-I can’t walk out past all those people, Ashley…” Ashley rolled her eyes at the silly blonde’s timidity, but secretly she shared the sentiment. Butterflies were still tingling her tummy… and other places.

“Fine. Let’s sneak out the back.” The women slinked to the exit at the back of the locker room, much more decently attired than the last time. But the moment they pushed open the exit—

The fire alarm sounded!




An absolutely amazing story, on of if the not the best you've ever done. I love the adventures of Jenny and you've put your own unique spin on it but still keeping true to Ashley and Jenny's personality tropes. Plus who doesn't love a beautiful buxom woman splitting her pants in the most awkward of moments I know I do, so ofcourse extra credit for including a splitting situation on top of the ENF embarrassment 😍😍😍😍.


An amazing story and stunning illustrations to boot. Many thanks as always!


You never disappoint, Gao. Is it just you that's writing and drawing or do you have help from others? I'm not big into the ENF community, but the only others I know that do stories and art under the same banner are Pink & Peachy. And I thiiink there's more than one person there?


Thank you! It's just little ol' me here at Fortress Gao!


When I read "yoga pants" I was thinking of a story with a dog, but this one's good too. Surprising art with Jenny's womanhood in transparent view.