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Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a happy and safe winter holiday! I know updates have been slow/nonexistent around here so I would like to offer an explanation which should lead to the path forward for 2020.

The primary reason my output is slowed is because my day job has sucked up a great deal of my time. I’ve mentioned this before.

What I haven’t mentioned is the secondary reason. I think I overstressed myself trying to pump up the quality of the updates (ie. more sketches, multiple frames, maximum poll engagement, etc) and worrying that I was charging people for updates that might not be superlative. To the point that if it couldn’t be an exceptional update worthy of your patronage, I shouldn’t update at all.

So, with that in mind, my plan is to put the Patreon on hiatus for the time being. ALL of the stories and artwork posted as Patreon updates will remain exclusive to Patreon, out of gratitude and respect for you nice folks taking a chance on me. :-D

My plan is to go back to a more organic workflow. In other words, posting when I can about what I want. Pretty much at the whim of my time and libido (mua ha ha!) Hopefully the effect of this is that I can post quicker, more frequent updates of looser or more experimental art without the stress of feeling like I’m ripping people off.

I’ll post the new stuff on Deviantart, but if there are people who would rather or can only see it on Patreon, please comment so, and I’ll double post it as FREE updates here as well.

The Patreon was quite an adventure, and your financial support got me through some very rough times money-wise. I’ll be forever grateful!

So hopefully in 2020 we can get back to what we’re all here for- seeing cartoon ladies fall out of their clothes!




Hey, great to hear from you again! Delaying the Patreon is fine- I still follow you on DA and love your stuff there. The primary shame with your being so busy is I can't get another Wicked Witches commission, lol, but that's still okay. Though it's a shame to lose the Patreon updates, I suppose, it's made things a lot cheaper for me- on a busy month, I'd pay $10 out of here :)


Do what works, man. I would rather you do it for the right reasons than an artificial deadline or an “assembly line” pressure.


I understand the thought process behind what you're saying, and respect your decision. But I also want to make a contrary point. The creative process is not a 'pipeline' that just gets turned on or off - it can have significant slow points, huge bursts of inspiration, and periods of time where things need to percolate for a while. I can only speak for myself - but when I back a creator, I want to help them ride out those down times. It's not about how long it might take,or even if there are some "80%" items from time to time. Folks who back you are here because you make things that hit something fundamental for us. And for me, that's something where waiting is OK.


Welcome back! I totally get it. I remember an artist i followed back in the late 90s/early 00s who burned himself out because he felt his work was never good enough for his site members. Far better to take it at your own pace and do what feels right, without the financial burden. That said you're work is stunningly high quality and very good value for money IMO :) Have a happy new year and I look forward to seeing what you come up with on DA


I don't leave many comments, but literally JUST yesterday I was looking at your artwork wondering when you would upload again. Your work hits a certain niche that's hard to find, and I think you do it better than most, and has inspired my own art quite a bit. I hope to see more of your artwork and stories in the future, whatever form they take. Keep it up, I'll be looking forward to it. Especially if you have more ideas for Tasha, her whole... situation has been one of my favorites for some time. lol


I don't think I can stress it enough, I've never felt I've been ripped off!

ENF fanboy

I Understand completely, it's just I sincerely thought you were dead lmfao! Hope🙏 to see the next piece of ass🤤 (ugh) I mean ART!😂 soon😄👍😍