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I always wanted to do this but never got the time XD;

while we are still in the chraging process I wanne take the time to just gather some feedback from you guys to find out whats good or whats bad or what should change :3

I generally think Im doing good but of course I just dont know for sure xD;;; I still didnt figured out how patreon works seriously cause some people earn so much with it and some other really talented people kinda dont so I have no idea. I still have plans I wanne realize but the balance of art and work is always a bit tricky XD; but gladly I have free days or just tell the doc Im sick and stay home hahahah psttt...dont tell anyone lol

Anyway no matter if youre happy with my patreon or not please feel free to leave ideas, content you mind wanne see more or anything else you just wanne let me know in here ^^

Sooo the question isssss:

Are you happy with my patreon?



Inuki, you are awesome. <3


A lot is kinda based on the work the creator is known for. Comics, to an extent webcomics, and animations do give a boost to earnings. The $500 range is quite the average for creators like yourself. Regular updates, great art, and probably the best thing of all, including past months when distributing rewards. Speaking of past months, maybe look into making it more visible, as it's a reward not often offered. Other that that, maybe look into expanding the lower tiers? As an example, HD vote image for $2, sketch for $5, something leading up to merch tier for $10. I am looking into moving up to $10 already, so do what you feel is right.


I wasnt awared that offering past content is so special XD;; I mean if I would join I would like to view all the past content and not just what is there for one month. Surely it would force people to stay in the tiers so they dont miss stuff but I kinda think its meh D; I wanne offer the old content till I run out of space on dropbox(which mind happends soon or later...)