Happy New Year everyone :3 (Patreon)
First of all thank you for the support in the last year, I got a good handfull of new patreons and that makes me like super super happy :D it means I actually did something good x3;;; I even think I did super much art last year cause I forced myself to improve and almost sketched something every day (even when it was shit and I didnt keeped it x3;;)
The best of all is that I even feel good with myself and my art now and not as devasted like I felt end of 2015 when I had huge doubts about my art and realized I have to change something or I never will improve. Some of you maybe remember my really old pen name Suki-san which I used to do Anime fanart many manyyyy moons ago and stopped when I felt the need to change and found more comfort in the furry fandom. Now finally I feel like I can just draw everything and thats super great <3 And all this mostly because I wanted to give you guys better content,better quality and more art to make it worth to support me :D
So again the big thanks goes out to all of supporting no matter if now or in the past.
I hope that in 2017 I be able to finish up more projects and gain more balance between job life and artist life (unless I get super rich and never need to go back to my job again XD;;) so yeah long story short, thank you all <3
and if you have suggestions for me dont be shy and just leave them here ^^