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Hey patrons! 

Since i stopped doing this sort of content, a lot of support has been dropped pretty drastically. I expected this outcome for sure but it also changed my views on patreon's sustainability. I know the NSFW content was sorta of the main attraction to my campaign, even art contents on patreon in general, and I don't shame anyone for leaving.

NSFW type of art (nude pinup, explicit style art) is something I enjoy as a form or art. Certainly something I want to dive in again. But not anytime soon, why?

I realized it was hurting my name in long term.  It  turned my  Patreon campaign into, pay just for that NSFW content sort of model, as opposed to "support artist to create art." Meaning many people were just interested in nude fan art itself and didn't care about the artist's long term intentions, sustainability, and the artist's success.  Piracy became a big problem especially when the people's incentive to support was just paying for the NSFW content. 

I tried creating an alternative alias "MilkTip" which didnt work out because people still tagged my real name and Z name under the NSFW content. So it was impossible to detach my official Zeronis name from NSFW type of content. 

Although I highly encouraged artists to do what ever type of art they want regardless of how people judge the artists. I knew this was gonna be  much more complicated than that. 

In the end, I made a decision to drop it all together. It had to be the sooner rather than later. 

The drop in support have changed the priorities, plans, views on sustainability i had for patreon. So current tier system and the long term plans may get some rework in the future. 

I'm also trying to figure out if non NSFW Hentai art can be just as strong incentive to support and help artist sustain on Patreon. 

Anyways! this is to give better context as to why I suddenly stopped. 

I want to to thank you guys for sticking with me and supporting me through out, allowing me to keep creating fun content! 




Thanks for letting us know. Mostly I followed because I like the style on your banner. I like to see the lighting texturing and the implied gravity of objects in your art. I would consider higher tiers of support for nsfw but I do understand the problems involved in catering to people's baser instincts. Thanks for continuing.


I went through this aswell so I just limited it to one nsfw a month to keep the thirst quenched while still giving myself time for other stuff


I like your art style in general, and while I loved your nsfw stuff I see where your coming from and still feel you deserve the support for your wonderful art. Hopefully one of these days I build enough confidence in my own art to start posting it, that initial leap has to be tough for any aspiring artist.


Not much you can do about it I'm afraid. People will always want porn in whatever form. I for one am staying because of your art style and the possibility of learning something.


I can understand that and what comes to my mind is this is taking someone for granted. It's not cool and not right. I came for the art style regardless of sfw or nsfw, your work is what defines you and it's amazing.


oh. funny thing is I actually stopped to support you because of your nsfw fanart content. I wanted to see more original creations and designs such as the Mekanizer serie. I hope you'll find a balance between sfw and nsfw content. cheers


I just like your art in general. Will continue support because your arts are awesome, no matter the content :)


Oh I really can understand the problem. Also I think it feels wrong to make NSFW art just for the money. Like you said people just follow and pay just for the content and don't care that it's art and nade by you anymore. I hope you find a solution you feel good with! I will follow you no matter what you decide to do.


As I came for your original creations, your current work is perfect for me. It's sad that your Patreon income declined so much just because you stopped NSFW content. But as you said, it's not really a surprise.


Ooops! Someone's leaking hypocrisy again.


If you just created another account without telling anyone that it was you that probably would have been the best option. By advertising that it was your account everyone knew it was you


Do what you feel is right. I would hate to see your art style disappear. Keep it up!


You have to find a balance between what your paying customers want and what you want. I'm sure there's a middle ground that allows you to grow your name in a respectable way but still gives people an incentive to buy your work. A lot of artists have this idea that everybody's paying just to make them successful but in reality we're paying you to make stuff that we like. It's a two way street and not just a charity.

Robert-Alexandru Deleanu

A wild wall of text appears! Not a patron now, but I thought about joining since I've been following you for about a month. I came to Patreon solely for NSFW content from one particular creator, but I started pledging to others. I will always prefer having creators that work with NSFW stuff, but I appreciate when someone puts their work in the market. Over time, I came to like each individual creator from their interaction with their fans, so I stayed even after getting my fill of NSFW content. Things like WIPs or demos are the most appealing form of work because they show the creator in a different perspective. For me, the process of putting things together is more exciting than the final product because the final product is the icing on the cake. I guess ... your work is like onion cake :P Ok that's actually gross. Anyway, I'm glad this website exists because I can somehow pay, however small, a portion of gratitude for someone like you taking the time to share your work. I can find free smut anywhere, and I honestly found this page because I saw {SEXY PINUPS WOOOOOO} in the Patreon suggestion bar. I just wanted to check out the pinups, but I'm at the stage where I want to see what it takes to create content that makes people want to rip you off. Not implying that people pledging just to steal content is cool, because I think the art is pretty good; high caliber. If you think that making NSFW hurts your image, well that's a good decision. Even if you decide to keep masking NSFW content. It's a good decision because you're making a decision based on concise reasons. I'm going to pledge at the second highest level because I don't want to feel like i'm missing something. Shame the Knight stage is limited :/


I was a patron at one point. I only access patreon for time lapse videos. Loved yours, I'm thinking about signing up again :D I havent been on patreon for almost half a year now. I didnt care whether you made nsfw or not but I think it does matter to a lot of people. Your pledge structure is important. Gotta please both sides :D


former patron here! (stopped my pledges for financial reasons, but still follow, admire, and enjoy your work on multiple platforms) to me, Patreon is first and foremost a place where people can support artists they like. It's not a store. Pledges should be viewed as donations, rather than a purchase of a product. And rewards are just some perks you get for donating (or in some cases, a way to learn). I've seen some talented artists with just one $1 tier and the only reward is a high-resolution version of the art they post. I feel like people tend to forget what kind of site this is, which could easily make it change into something it isn't. In my opinion, Patreon should just be a site where people can financially support the artists they admire/enjoy the art of. It's a way to say "hey, I like your content so I hope this helps you so you can keep on drawing". So draw what you want to, draw what you enjoy drawing. If you feel like NSFW drawings were hurting your name, you have every right to stop doing them. The people who left after you stopped producing NSFW art simply don't care about supporting you as an artist. I think they're they kind of people who view Patreon like a store; where they can "buy" NSFW art, and once that "shop" stops selling it, they have to go somewhere else to "buy" it, disregarding the artist looking for support. As nice as it is to have a loooot of patrons, it's also only the quickest/easiest route (in my opinion). I think, given enough time, you'll get back those numbers you've lost; as long as you just keep drawing what you're passionate about. That being said, you've stated that NSFW is something you enjoy doing, so I hope that there comes a day where you figure out a way to be able to draw NSFW stuff without it hurting your name long-term. tldr; you keep doing you, the rest will follow.


I've sorta been wondering as of late how this sorta stuff affects the career of artists just in general. If employeers actually care? I could sorta see if they cared a bit if the artist used the same alias for both, but if the artist uses two different aliases and the NSFW alias isn't being connected to their product. Then I just quite honestly think that it's blatanly stupid to care, the only thing that should matter imo is that they can deliver what you hire them for. What they do outside of that really shouldn't matter. But I noticed the reaction of some people tho when I saw an illustration of Oda Non for some Square Enix game. Most people didn't care, but there were definetly some people that were all like '' Ermaghurd, y u hire filthy porn artist Square Enix!? ''..... I just don't get it.... Does it matter? A lot of them even admitted to loving the illustration, but somehow the art became '' less worthy '' in their eyes because of other work he does.... Seems like a rather superficial and self centered attitude to have imo. You obviously tagged it with another alias, that's all I think that is really reasonable to ask for. At that point it's the fault of other people who seek it out deliberately if they don't like it. And it's obviously not your fault if other people steal it and then tag it as '' Zeronis ''. But yeah, do you have some insight on this? How employeers react to it and whether they actually genuinly care or not? I don't really personally see why/ how it matters so long as the artist A, uses a separate alias for it and B, can deliver what they're being hired to deliver on time. Also, while I think that you should just do what makes YOU happy. I have to admit that part of me is sorta happy about NSFW not being as frequent. It wasn't really the appeal of your work to me, but if it made you and other people supporting you happy, then that's a good thing. But for me personally, I am more happy with less NSFW and more of Deathverse / Mekanizer and other new characters :).


I've got sfw and nsfw fap folders, so clothed sexy stuff is great.

Tellis Jones

Hey i love your art for your art style. idrc for nsfw content


Man, this is cruel. Why can't a man draw sexy woman in peace!! I think if you elaborate in detail how would it affect your career, people would come to some solution together for you.


Not that easy, no one gonna know about it for a few month and Zeronis have to denies his art everyday, whenever people asking, lol. And do Patreon allow artist to be anonymous?


If you get the option to get patreon to pay you upon signup and not just at the end of the month having access to all previous art at a high tier ($30/month) would incentivize a bit more. They might leave but to get the new stuff they would have to sign up every year or few months to update. People want to support you but they also want everything you have done previous not just what you will do. Especially with this sort of SFW limitation. Other Patreon creators have done this and it usually works out. Be more open with things not less.


So true man! Despite the income drop, i think you made the right decision. The reputation is quite a big deal. Also i guess it's important to stay true to yourself and do what you are really passionate about. Wish you all the best with you art!


That's definitely a cool system! I've thought about doing it but never figure out best way to distribute them individually without doing it manually all the time. Unless there's an automated system on patreon, its a lot of time spent on my end. I use Gumroad.com/zeronis to upload all the previous contents.


I found the Alyssa portrait from May 19 amazing; but have no idea why it wasn't finished. At least that's why I didn't pledge. Your talent is way beyond needing nsfw bait, but it does bring in the sex wraiths obviously.


Well shit, I actually came for the nsfw .-. Ill stick around though :p I need some SFW backgrounds anyways. lol


Hey Zeronis. I used to be a supporter but had to move on to find others that offered some sort of feedback/mentorship. Wish you had more space available for that! Anyway I've been very tempted to come back and support because of your awesome designs that you've been producing lately!


I dropped my support to the lowest tier once you stopped doing NSFW content. You are probably my favorite artist on the internet and I love all your art, but there isn't any incentive for me to pledge any higher not being an artist myself. I think you may have landed in a bit of weird spot here. You built a following of artists wanting to learn from you and a following of people mainly coming for your NSFW art, with a lot of people who belong to both groups. I think you have become too popular to be able to provide feedback and educational content for all who want it, and after dropping NSFW content I would say this is mainly the group that has stayed on as supporters. Like you said, you will likely need to re-structure your tiers to better accommodate for those that are here. I really hope that you get back into doing the NSFW content again, especially since you say you enjoy it. I also understand why you would stop, but I think the negative views toward sexuality and NSFW art are very misguided and shouldn't force you to stop what you love. Maybe you can help break the stigma by achieving the success you desire while also being a NSFW artist.


Does this mean more other content? I definitely support you for educational stuff like what makes a good character design and visual theory stuff :D


Alyssa portrait was finished. Not sure what else you were expecting.


I don't know what to say. I kept supporting you. I'm sorry you had a drop off. :-(

Zero Lambda

Still love your work, Paul, whether it's NSFW or not. Totally on board for the future.


I think you're an amazing artist regardless of the lewdness or not. Just know that the growth from here on out is special. These are people that appreciate you and your art skills for what it is and not what they will receive.


I like all your stuff, so I keep on too


Maybe making different content? Like Comic?

Loos Guccreen

I actually think that I enjoy more your art since you stopped NSFW


I'll support you (so long as I have the money) regardless of if you make nsfw art or not...though I was hoping for nsfw. ;>u>


Oh nice