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I've been asked about this a lot on why I don't do League of Legends related content on here. Answer is pretty logical. I work full time at Riot Games, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Legally I would get into deep trouble if I did League related fan art or designs on Patreon and share the content to everyone, especially if I'm being paid to do it.

This is just to clarify, the reason why some of the League fan arts, like Jinx Portrait is not available on Patreon. It's not because I don't love you guys! It's because I love my job, I want to keep designing beautiful characters for League and also do fun personal art on Patreon powered by your love and support!

Thanks for understanding! <3




It's absolutely understandable! And we can see your artworks on different pages after the release. It's great to see other works here. :)


It was very obvious indeed, you have confidential contract with Riot, so it's ok , by the way, those LoL artwork you made, are absolutely beautiful!


Personally like your banner and other non-league work quite a bit. Thanks for doing this other stuff here 👌. I really like the feeling of gravity/weight I see in your work with boobs and weapons. And your skin tones and lighting come in second for reasons I followed you here.


I bet people are alright with that. Besides, its more fun watching you draw new designs/characters of your own. Its a breath of fresh air (Fan arts are cool too ^~^ ) and it definitely sounds like you have a very extensive lore planned for one of your character worlds (Mekanizer and Deathverse).


Deriss absolutely nothing wrong with that. We still love you Paul


I feel like the minority when I say I honestly had no idea you worked for Riot. But it's great to see one of the amazing artists I follow on here is being given the appreciation their talent deserves and being fulltime in such a company x)


I understand you 100%. Figuring out how to work an NSFW fanart patreon seems difficult when you also want to work with those companies legitimately. We totally understand and I love watching your work come out. Keep it up with Deathverse! I love it D:

Just Passin By

You could add me to the list of patrons that had no idea that you work at Riot Games. That's great that you love your job and your job does come first as it pays the bills. Completely understandable. You put out amazing art and I fell in love with Deathverse the first time I laid my eyes on it (which wasn't too long ago). Thank you for the transparency and I support you all the way!


Totally understandable. And I mean hey, as long as you can say "see the latest skin for League? That was me!" I'm fine with that :D Because it's interesting to see on WHAT you actually got to work on :)


Fully respectable, good on ya man!