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As you know, I have left Riot Games to become and independent content creator.
this means I get to have more time to create content of my world for you guys And try something new! It also means my income is set back by quiet a bit so I wanted to open a poll to get you guys’ thoughts on this option of adding an extra Batch (B3) each month.

this will allow me to make more content and be more financially stable to do less freelance work.

As usual, you’re not obligated to support all of them. You can choose to support individually or non at all.

Thank you for the best wishes and making this a dream come true as a independent art content creator!




3 would be fantastic but you can only do so much in a month anyway + I'd use the 3rd batch time on the side to do personal works you want to do or build a side project


3 would be cool but it would be nice if there was a way to choose which ones you would like to get. and maybe choose at the end of the month. I would still only pay for 2 batches but I would like to compare each batch and see which ones I think are cooler.


I couldn't afford 3 right now as I already support many different artists (maybe even to many ^^) but I'll see how it goes. Whatever your decision is, I'll stick around. 😊


I’m conflicted as well; I have supported you for a long time but I also back a lot of artists at the moment


If I could suggest something for 3 batch, perhaps 2 batches in the month are Zeronis (Dethverse catalogue etc) and 3rd batch is Tomo3 works. That way you spread out content and possibly create a new backer tier


Can't afford 3 so you'd receive no extra funding from me $20+ (u.s. to canadian currency conversion leaves me paying closer to $25) a month is my limit. It would suck to be supporting your top tier for so long and too miss out on new content :( but I understand you need to make more money if you're no longer at the studio.


It's full-time now so I'm cool with it as long as you don't reduce number of work per batch


I would prefer more in depth commentary videos rather than an extra art piece