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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the late post on these contents. I’ve been very disoriented with the sense of time with the recent event going on. It’s hard to track the time.

Anyways, here’s a commission work I’ve done a while ago.

Hope everyone is staying really safe and taking time to learn, read, draw etc. I’ve been trying to read more now days during this long time being at home.

Thanks for the support as always and making this a possibility that’s more than my dream!


May Content B2 releases on June 7th 2020

What you get in this B2 based on the Tier  

+1 ♥HD images step process  

+3 ♥HD PSDs (Raw as many non merged layers)

+7 ♥Highres Video (HD video timelapsed recording from IPad and real-  time process from Photoshop CC)

This batch will be processed on June 1st and I will send download links by June 7th after everything has been processed! :D
