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First Look! Exclusively for my fellow Patrons!

Ever since Quiet was first shown in the trailers of Phantom Pain, I got too excited to do a fan art of her!

I'll definitely do another fan art when the game ships, maybe with a few twists!

I hope this is a good start of July Content!

The June Contents are being processed at the moment. 

However, I've been informed by Patreon Support Team that there's been a lot of problem with the payment processing system. Please double check and make sure to contact Patreon Support Team to resolve any declined payments. 

Content includes

♥ Optional NSFW version!! (separated in different folders)

♥ Full Size Image

♥ Step by step

♥ PSD's with layers (Optional Remove-able Top with expression)

♥ Video Process

Content releases on August 7th 2015 Thanks!




This is so amazing, I with there was a full body illustration as well, since her full costume is so unique and sexy, nevertheless this is sooooo goooood! <3 it.


She is absolutely gorgeous. So excited for Phantom Pain.


Holy Crap! Quiet is so sexy!


Hi ! I don't know if me payment was taken into account, How can i be sure ? Thanks for helps !


OK I checked everything. It seems that every month on the 2nd or 3rd I get charged. This time I got charged today 7/2/15. So nothing seems to be altered. Questions is then, I wasn't missing any art from you either (or was I)?. For example, I got B1 May 2015 (Lara, Samus, Vales). There weren't any other batch in that month was there? If so, then I've been missing those, but I don't think I did. Secondly, I've been using $3 tier all this time, does that mean I was missing some "Exclusive art" from Tier $5? Usually I get an update on the arts that are being posted but nothing seems to be missing in my art folder that seemed excluded form my $3 tier because they happen to be in $5 tier! Hopefully this will help me understand better if I need to update my tier or not to ensure no missing arts. Furthermore, just making sure: the MGS5 Quiet will be in the $3 batch, no? Sorry for all the questions. It seems my patreon pledge is fine and working fine. I just want to double check that I'm on the right page when it comes to pledging to get the arts... Thank you for your patience and amazing arts.


Hey Hiko, Looks like you did miss Batch 2 or each month. There are 2 batches everymonth. But you've only pledged the 1st ones only. They'll be all available on Gumroad.com/zeronis Quiet is for $3+ tier as well. So far I haven't made anything only exclusive to $5+ up. Most of the exsclusive stuff will be rough sketches.


I'm new patreon of their projects. Great work.


Thanks for enjoying this first exclusive look on Patreon! I'll also post the version without her eye mask makeup and Censored NSFW this week. Thanks!


Another really cute face, I love her lips!


I love it! Hope to see some Spider-Gwen in the future ;)


So it was Patreon that messed up my batch? Gahhhhhhhhhhh! I wanted those batches and now I have to get them separately. Wait what did I miss? I thought I pledged for both batches. Patreon will simply take the money for each batch at the end of each term. I am having no problem with Sakimichan's two batches; did I miss something or it's Patreon's fault?


You probably have the monthly cap set to the amount that doesn't let you fully pledge for the second batch. I would check the cap you're allowed to spend for each month.


ALSO: I just checked and I started my patreon pledge for you on April. Got one batch from that. THEN I got 2 batches for MAY. BUT then I got one batch for March. WTH is going on? I think it's time I contact Patreon.


Yup, you should contact them. It's probably your monthly cap.


Monthly cap? NO idea what that is but I just contacted them. Waiting for reply. Typically I am to be charged $6 for 4 weeks at the end of the term, but I am getting charged only $3. So let's see what happens.


LOL. I think you just fixed the problem. I had a huge facepalm seeing that Patreon automatically set my monthly cap to $3!!! I guess I should just remove it to none right? But now that the payment has been processed, what should I do to get that other charge that needs to be processed? Should I let them know or there is a way around?


Oh yeah ! I talked about her on your previous post and here she is ^^ I love the char and I love your version, you made my day <3


Awesome work as always, thanks Z.


twists? plural?


OMG! She looks gorgeous,very sexy ! zero u are amazing O_O


Zeronis/Paul, I've only been a patron of your work for a few days, but already I am liking what I see. The level of detail that goes into every keystroke (brushstroke?) is so fine it's almost--almost--photo realistic. You have more talent in your fingertips than most people have in a lifetime. Even if this is only a pinup. I'll get off this soapbox for now--look forward to seeing the finished product. P.S. bought some of your stuff off Gumroad--going to browse through it this weekend.


Thanks John! That makes me feel pumped to work on more awesome pinup girls! Can't wait to share with you! <3


Awesome! :D