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There was a delay in the completion date due to my extra busy schedule this month. November Batch 1 will come out on December 7th 

This was a fun month of making beautiful characters! I hope to do the same in the coming months and this is only possible due to your generosity and belief in my work.  

If you missed the Content, you can visit My Gumroad Page for Previous Contents! 

Thank you for sticking with me and keeping this going strong! Any questions you have, please comment below~




Zero Lambda

Much love, Paul! Happy to be back. Sorry I’ve had to be on and off pledging... money issues. Looking forward to this month’s content.


Thank you and welcome back! please feel free to take care of your personal stuff first! Any help is appreciated and welcome anytime <3


So happy Aqua got choosen ! ~ Looks so good. Whats your best tip for improving as an artist?


I'm so looking forward to All Might