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Hey Everyone!

As promised! October Batch 1 and Batch 2 came out yesterday on November 7th. 

But with a hiccup that might have caused some inconvenience and frustrations.

Sorry for the inconvenience regarding the delays and the spammed emails yesterday. Due to the technical glitch of Patreon Site, I could not use the "Send Message" button to the specific Tier group at a time which has been the only way to send out the rewards. 

So I apologize and thank you for your patience!

Notice something different and new about these contents?
What you got are Original Resolution JPEGs
I hope you enjoy them please let your friends and fellow artists know about the new changes!
I've also been doing some Voice Commentary Videos sharing my background career with $7 and $10 patrons.
$10 patron got one extra timed exclusive video answering Q and A questions from the Discord Channel. (should come out on my Youtube Channel next week!) I'll try to do those timed exclusive contents every now and then.

Thank you!





I'm a little confused. Did the rewards get sent? I received a bunch of emails to dead links, an email saying the rewards were sent, an email saying the rewards were reset and this one. I don't see anywhere to actually access the stuff :( Sorry if I sound a little impatient, I've been a big fan of your work and it's my first time backing, so I'm a little excited :)


I'm having the same issue as Sevetar. This is the first month I backed, and I got all the emails from the other day, and the update emails, but all the links to megaupload are broken. I don't mean to be a bother, but did I miss something? Thank you!


It seems like you joined just after the window to pledge has closed. Don't worry! you didn't get charged for them. you can purchase them on my gumroad.com/zeronis Thanks! -Z


Ah ok, that's too bad, I'll go check it out. Thanks for the quick response!


shoooo happy T-T


i only got a message with Batch #1, but im your patreon since january 2017. Could you please check this? Thanks in advance :)