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Hello! The image above is a rough initial sketch that I'll work from to create the vampire girl character for my personal story, Deathverse. Option A: This girl's hair is made of blood magic. She's a cunning girl with a giant shackles on her back keeping the horrific powers within her hands. Option B: Double blade wielding vampire girl. Again playing with the hair being art of her source of power. Let me know which one feels stronger to you guys. Feel free to comment with your choice below. In the mean time, I'll be finishing up Samus Portrait! <3 Zeronis




I Love the Idea of the Blood hair and it sounds more unique and versatile the another Blade wielding girl. The Sketch of both look great either way.

Ashley Mason

I do prefer option A. It feels more unique than twin blades chick. Or you could choose option C...


I like the idea of Option A in that her hands are bound in shackles so she needs to use her magic hair like limbs, or even like a weapon. However I think the angle of Option A doesn't show off the character as much as Option B. It's tricky when the major design feature is behind her back, but I think Option A is rotating her body a bit too far from the viewer. So, I second Ashley Mason in saying that perhaps explore an Option C, maybe to find a way to show the idea of Option A but with the character facing more toward the viewer.

Ashley Mason

Woooo! Someone referenced me on the Internet. Thank you. /bow I really love the shackle idea constraining her power, and the hair blood magic deal is awesome too. I agree with David, visually it is hard to tell that her hands are shackled. My initial runaway thought I had for an option C was to mix the two ideas together. Keep the constraining aspect (perhaps it is a self imposed shackle- less physical, more magical- to control herself) yet, she only does it with one hand leaving the other free to fight with a blade made of such blood magic. But- I just made so many assumptions of your idea. Are the shackles of her self constraint, or that of a criminal? Does her hair have a will of it’s own (like a symbiote), or does it count as another limb she has full control over? Maybe it is a source of her power and just awesome looking. Does she have control of such blood magics? Call me very intrigued with your idea. (Plus now you have my creative mind playing with it)


BOTH OF THEM. Unnfff &lt;3


A ! B seems a little.. too much? and the aerial acolyte seems like a very unique piece of the character


Vote is for A. I like the headpiece of B though.


Yea! it will be fun to paint the effects! I can't wait to go crazy and wild with her. Sexy of course... ;)


I really like A, the concept for it feels really unique and I would love to see you play around with the hair effects! Also can I ask you where you find inspiration for most of your original characters or is everything just from pure imagination ?


Option A all the way


A definietly XD


"A" please, the double-blade wielding thing is so cliche'


Did you just use a soft round brush for this ?


No actually, I used the default hard round brush. Sometimes soft brush is excellent for initial sketch


Great job, I've been experimenting with all kinds of brushes. I made a silly oval shaped brush because the angles look really fancy.


Do you also use the hard round for filling your line art with gray? Whenever I try to do it, I accidentally take my pen off my tablet and it makes the gray filling darker than I wanted it in places.


Ahh ok. It must be the driver problem but I do this and do another pass of rough line work on top.


Yeah, I only have the Intuos Pen and Touch small. Contemplating getting an Intuos pro medium, Perhaps it will help having the higher amount of pressures.


yup! I would say Intuos 5 Medium. That's what I have as well as a Cintiq. Both are great!