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Hey Patrons! Just to echo the announcement that I made last time, Beginning of next month, I'll transition from "Weekly Batch" to "Bi-Weekly Batch" Patrons charged 2 times a month, instead of 4 times a month. The most you'll be charged per month is $20, instead of $40. (if you're $10 Patron tier) The content amount you get bi-weekly is the same as before. Just half as frequent. All the rewards will be sent out at the beginning of every month when all the payments are processed. All the January 2015 content you have supported will be sent out on February 7th 2015! If you have any questions about this change, please comment below. I love you all and thanks for the support! <3




So how much will I be paying for January batch? $40? Would I miss out anything if I were to wait for u to release it on gumroad? Kinda broke right now haha


It will depend on how many batches you supported. There are 4 batches of content in January so for $10 Tier Patron, they'll pay total of $40.


Hi! I just started using Patreon but will I still able to receive the January 2015 content on Feb 7th?


I am a bit confused about what I got from Gumroad. I've purchased all of the 10 dollar pledge batches on there. What I get is '' Brush presets ''. Don't we get your brush pack from Gumroad? Or is it only 10 dollar patreons? I tried opening Brush presets, but it didn't seem to change anything :P. Anyway, love your stuff :). Watching your process videos ain't just fun, it also helps me get over the procrasination I always have in the beginning.


Hey Marcus! Thanks for the support! Unfortunately, the brush presets are for $10+ Patrons only. I made a mistake on gumroad and corrected it. Thanks!