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For this week's batch, Patrons will receive these rewards! ♥ Full Size Image ♥ Step by step ♥ PSD's with layers ♥ Video Process The rewards will be sent out on the first week of February (2-7-2015) Thank you!<3 Here's a short biopic of the character written by my friend. Please comment below on what you think! <3 *********************************************** [Updated Story]: The world is entrenched in an apocalypse known as the Darkness, a void in which demons called the Fallen and illnesses of both physical and psychological that seek to extinguish any light, especially the ones of humans souls. The beacon of pure Light, known as the Astraea, was built by the Architect thousands of years ago, existing at the center of the city to keep the plaguing Darkness at bay. There, the citizens of Astraeus have survived on the thin thread of existence, entrapped within the city but otherwise safe as long as the Light never goes out. Chase Firelash (15) is son and heir of the Firelash Guild that specializes in the art of the black smith. They are the most prominent and influential guild out of the five that make up the Obsidian Emblem, which is the branch of government in charge of building walls, maintaining structures, mining, and forging machinery and weapons for Astraeus. (Along with the Obsidian Emblem, there are four other Emblems that represent agriculture, military, science/medicine, and higher mysteries/religion.) Chase grew up learning to smith as soon as he was able to hold a hammer and beat metal on an anvil and was a prodigy in his craft. By the time he was twelve, Chase was given the title of Weyland for making a full suit of armor worthy of a Nightslayer. However, he eventually grew weary of living under the shadow of his grandfather, a reputable blacksmith, and decided to break the family tradition to become a Nightslayer himself. He forged his own battle-hungry hammer, Firebrand that breathes fire so fearsome that even the Darkness cries and its beasts fall back into its shadows with tails between their legs. Personality: Chase comes out as a prideful and boisterous fellow as a new recruit into the Nightslayer barracks that is eager to show off his hammer. Overtime, he learns restraint and humility after many arduous ventures into the Darkness. After nearly getting killed several times from relying too much on his talent as a blacksmith, he realizes that one is more than just his or her weapon and that his mind could be as powerful to him as his Firebrand is in the Darkness. He is quite stubborn at times when it comes to working with others, but he can be a trustworthy and loyal friend if one lets him be. Hates Brussels sprouts and mutton. Goal: To prove to his grandfather and all his Hephaestan-blooded ancestors that he can be a warrior worthy of heroic songs and glory, not just an expectantly praised but otherwise duly noted blacksmith.



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