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Link To Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7oek40jsha8xae28ja75i/Prince-Vegeta-Opening-4K-Uncensored.mp4?rlkey=erxqq45pwtj8wgknx3jydcdwt&dl=0

After 5 years of trying to get this made Its finally hear many setbacks its finally done this trailer is a representation of my channel for the almost 8 years, I've been creating content it features some of my original designs for characters also my OC Eschalot and also features the OCs of the two people I worked with the most and longest in my career.

@Ssj9Carter and my brother @SlickGoku2GS I showed Reggie the progress long before he passed and after he was gone it was even more important to me to add more shots of Slick in honor of him.

I couldn't have made this wonderful animation without the help of many talented people who worked hard on it over the years the animation team did wonderful on many parts of this process.

(Animation Staff Credits)










And I can't thank the music team of @bladevings and Gladius who made this amazing music theme thank you guys so much!

And thank you fans for gracing me and supporting this journey of mine let this project be message to your dreams no matter how many setbacks are things that happen if you keep working at it any dream can become reality bless you and as my brother would say make moves.




An amazing trailer. The Froku and Slick cameos felt like a wonderful tribute to Reggie. Love your content and hope you have continued success.


Veggie just gonna let Tsunade get eaten? 🤣🤣

Ray Uchiha

This is so beautiful. well beautiful art

neowesker 23

I like the tribute to the homie Slick AKA Reggie RIP to one of my favorite YouTubers he will be missed and I always enjoyed his vids they brighten up my day after work

Earnest Adams III

This was amazing to watch. I know Reggie is so proud! Stay up, my saiyan!

michael rivers

Beautiful artwork sexy artwork and love the fact that our boy Slick got represented I'd beautiful


Goddamn beautiful.


When's the anime coming out lord of D

HSW 2k

The end was dope... RIP SLICK GOKU...


The work is exceptional and mind-blowing here. Except that I subscribed to see more uncensored version. It is literally the same on YouTube where it is freely available.


Thanks for the kind words and no it’s not the same there’s more fan service here and more skin couldn’t have this on YouTube so I uploaded here