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Hey everyone! I figured I should post my different social media sites in case you wanted to follow me elsewhere. Of course I plan to stay with Patreon as long as possible but with how crazy things have been this year, it might be a good idea to keep up with me on at least one other site just in case. Here are my links!

SFW Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnroShiva 

NSFW Twitter:  https://twitter.com/EnroErotic 

FurAffinity:  https://www.furaffinity.net/user/enroshiva/ 

Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/uQS5SjYJ/enros-to-do-list

This is basically all I use besides patreon. I also use subscibestar as well but kinda redundant to post that link here. so if you see posts from anywhere except these accounts, that's not me!


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