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Hey everyone,

When I had originally set up this patreon account, I set up a few goals for us to hit and we are approaching them much quicker than expected. I also did not foresee how much people would enjoy "Flora and Sauna". I had originally planned to do another animation about a minute or so long once we hit $1000 per month but it seems most people are interested in "Flora and Sauna". My big question is, what should I focus on as we reach this milestone?  Should I continue with the original plan and do an animation or use that time to get another build of "Flora and Sauna" up for you all? 

The v0.4 update for "Flora and Sauna" is planned to be my biggest update yet with about 3-5 new characters entering the game and about 4-6 new locations to explore.

The animation I have planned is a smooth 30fps flat color of one of my characters being fucked with multiple angles and a cum inflation ending.

Which one of these do you want me to work on? Let me know by voting below. Also leave comments if you think I should change up any of the future goals or have ideas for what content you want on this page. I want to make as many happy with the page as I possibly can while still fitting my original vision for projects.



NOT FAIR. Cum inflation is my THING, but the game is awesome! TOO HARD TO DECIDE.


since both is good, im not gonna vote at all