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A few days pass. Edion and his team have reached the Zekul border. A cold breeze whipped through the air as it carried a light snow to the ground. A hastily built wall of ice divided the two provinces. “I can see guards.” Edion said, with his hand to the ground. “Two patrolling on the other side of the barricade. There are two more in the watchtower.” 
Riza nodded. “You are getting good. However, there are actually three in that watchtower. We have to take them all out or else they will alert the king of our presence.”
“How do you suppose we do that?” Bellatrix asked. 
Zan conjured a small flame in his hands. “I say we take down the guards at the wall and rush the watchtower before they signal for help.” 
“This is crazy!” Crea said. “There is no way we will reach it in time.”
“I can do it.” Bellatrix said. “I can take care of the guys at the watchtower in no time. Just make sure the guards on the ground are taken care of.” 
“It’s settled then.” Zan said. “On my mark, we charge.” Everyone readied their weapons and peeked out from behind the trees. Just as Zan was ready to launch the attack, they heard a loud explosion in the distance. 
“I think your aim was a little off.” Edion said.
“That wasn’t me.” Zan replied. Guards were screaming for help from far away. Soon the ones in their way ran off to aid their comrades.
“Well that was easy.” Edion said. “Turns out we didn’t need you after all Bellatrix. Bellatrix?” He looked back to where Bellatrix was standing and she was gone. “Where did she go?”
Riza pointed to the watchtower in the distance. “I’ll give you one guess.” They all looked to the tower and saw a small purple dot waving at them in the distance. Edion knew she was fast but this was ridiculous. From where they stood, the watchtower was at least two hundred yards away. She managed to get there in less than a second.
“Show off.” Zan mumbled.
They caught up with Bellatrix at the top of the tower. She sat on the ledge, playfully kicking her heels at the stone wall. The three guards were knocked out and tied up on the floor. “What took you guys so long?” She teased. 
“Nice job.” Crea said. “But from now on, the journey only gets tougher.” 
“She’s right.” Edion said. “The north is a very harsh place.” He gestured to him and his sisters. “We also have the entire kingdom looking for us. We are going to need every advantage we can get.” 
Riza gave him a confused look. “What exactly are you getting at?” 
“Well, since these two destroyed a church on their way down, I don’t think Xarada is too pleased right now. Before we move on, they must make amends at The Citadel.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Crea yelled. “If we even get close to The Citadel, they will kill Serada and I on the spot!” 
Edion pointed to the tattoo on his cheek. “Not if you’re with us. Even The Holy Knights have to stand down to the MakiaVi. If we tell them that you wish to apologize, I’m sure we will be able to work something out.”
“And if they don’t?” Serada asked.
Zan punched the palm of his hand. “Then we just fight our way out!”
“Hopefully that won’t be necessary. ” Bellatrix said. “I think a bit of time with The Six would do wonders for us all.” 
Crea sighed. “I guess you are right. It’s not that far away.” 
They headed east of the tower. They flew over the beautiful frozen landscape of Zekul. Below them, the entire province was coated in fresh snow. As the sun began to set, lights popped up from the small towns below them. In the distance, a massive ornate cathedral stood. In the facade of the building sat large statues of drakes. On the tallest spire of the church was a large circular window split into six different sections, each with a dragon of a different color. 
As they got closer, a large net flew towards Crea and Serada and wrapped around them both. Before the others could help them, two more nets headed their way. Edion ripped one of them to shreds with his claws while Zan shot fire from his mouth and burned the other.
Crea and Serada hurled to the ground as they struggled to escape the trap. Crea saw that the net was covered in magic symbols. Their fighting grew weaker as their strength was slowly drained away by the net. They crashed into the ground, flinging snow in every direction with their landing. As the snow settled, Serada looked up to see two knights riding towards them. She tried to stand but the trap had her pinned to the ground. The knights stopped in front of them and one dismounted his horse. He unrolled a wanted poster with Crea and Serada’s faces on it.
“These are definitely the ones.” He said as he drew his sword. Before he could get close enough to strike, Edion landed between them with his gauntlets summoned. 
“Don’t you dare touch them!” Edion yelled. The knight took a fighting stance and brought up his blade to strike. At the peak of his swing, the knight paused. He slowly lowered his blade while lifting his visor to reveal yellow eyes that locked onto Edion’s cheek. Recognizing the symbol, he knelt with his blade stabbed into the ground.
“My apologies.” The Knight said. “I had no idea these two were with the MakiaVi.” Edion smiled and released his weapons as they disappeared in a flash of blue light. The rest of the team landed next to him with their weapons in hand. Riza cut Crea and Serada out of the net with her scythe. The knight stood. “I would have just sent a damage invoice if I had known.”
Zan walked up to the knight. “We will get the paperwork done later. Right now, we would like to take these two in The Cathedral to atone for their actions.” 
The knight bowed to the team while gesturing to the Cathedral. “Of course. Please follow me.”
Edion helped Crea to her feet while Riza did the same for Serada. “You two alright?” Edion asked. 
“We will be fine.” Crea said. 
They all walked together to The Cathedral. It was much larger up close. Its six tall spires seemed to almost touch the clouds. The details of the marble structure were camouflaged in a blanket of snow. 
As they approached, the large steel doors were opened by the two knights guarding it. The cathedral was like a city all its own. The ceilings were high and the walls were covered in bookcases. The smell of incense wafted in the air. Monks dressed in different colored robes walked and flew around the building at varying speeds but always traveled in a graceful manner. Many of them carried books while the ones in black robes ran food and burned incense. 
They walked towards the center of the room where a cat with white fur dressed in black robes stood at a podium and wrote in a large red book. As they approached, he put down his pen and bowed to them. “May the six saviors bless you friends on this glorious day they give us. I am Paz. How may I be of service?” 
Edion returned his bow. “We have two that wish to seek penance before the altar of Xarada. The rest seek blessings from their respective gods for our trials to come.” 
A grin spread across the monk’s face. “How wonderful! Well if you will follow Agnus, he will show you all to your chapels.” He gestured to a meek sheep wearing black robes and circular glasses. 
“This way please.” The sheep mumbled with a small wave of his hand. He led the team down a long corridor that ended in a large circular chamber with six doors.
Agnus spoke with his head down. “Now… which of the six do each of you serve?” 
Bellatrix spoke first. “Raikin, the lord of lightning and thunder.” 
“Then it will be through this yellow door here.” He pointed to  a steel door with a yellow tint. Lightning sparked all around it.
“Krabis, lord of fire.” Zan announced.
“This one is for you.” He gestured to a stone door with lava flowing from it.
Riza walked up next. “Gerdix, goddess of Nature.”
Agnus pointed her to a wooden door covered in flowers, vines and branches. He looked over to Edion and his sisters. “Finally, you three are here for Xarada.” He pointed them to the translucent door. “Once inside, a servant of your god will be there to lead you in the ceremony. May mercy be one of the gifts they give you on this glorious day they make.”
Edion took a deep breath and opened the door to the chapel of Xarada. Once inside, the temperature shot down well below freezing. Everything from the seats to the statues was carved out of ice. Even the floor was frozen solid. An ice dragon priestess in blue robes stood behind the ice altar in the front of the church. A large circular window sat in the wall behind her, allowing the sunlight to sparkle on the features of the room.
As they walked to the altar, the priestess’ arms rose as she spoke. “Welcome to the house of Xarada. How may this one be of service to her children?” 
Edion and his sisters knelt before the altar. “I wish to bring my two sisters back into the good grace of Xarada.” Edion said. “They have sinned in destroying one of her homes and seek her forgiveness.”
The priestess spoke with a smile. “Of course. The frozen goddess forgives all who welcome her cold embrace. Let us begin the ritual.” From the altar, she picked up a dagger and bowl made of ice. “Our almighty goddess requires a sacrifice from her children. Will you two offer your blood to our benevolent mother?”
Crea and Serada stretched out their hands and said in unison, “I offer not only my blood, but the blood of all who stand against our lady of the ice. May this be only a taste of what I shall give in all my days in her lands.” The priestess walked up to Crea, cut her palm with the dagger and collected her blood in the bowl. She then walked up to Serada and did the same. 
She walked back up to the altar and raised the bowl above her head. “May Lady Xarada accept this sacrifice and guide us in her infinite wisdom.” She lowered the bowl onto the altar and mumbled a short prayer. She took the bowl and drank every drop of blood within it. The priestess let out a sigh as her eyes shined white. A strong wind blew from her as she levitated into the air. 
As she spoke, two voices came from her. “My children. I have seen your destruction of my home. While anger consumes me so, my heart is moved by your undying devotion to the land I bestow upon you. My forgiveness is yours under one condition. Finish this fight. Take back the land your father has tainted, knowing that I walk with you every step of the way. Failure is not an option.”
The priestess’s eyes closed as she fell to the ground. She struggled back to her feet, taking deep breaths. 
“Glad to know Xarada is on our side.” Edion said. 
“What do you think she will do to us if we can’t defeat father?” Serada asked.
Crea wrapped her arms around her siblings. “Thankfully, we’ll never find out.”
Edion bowed to the priestess and his sisters followed his example. They strode towards the exit as the priestess said, “Remember, you are always welcome in the house of Xarada. Peace be on to you!”
As they entered the six doored chamber, they saw the rest of the team waiting on them with Agnus. “How did it go?” Zan asked. 
“All is forgiven.” Edion said. “Now we just have to take back the castle.” 
“About that.” Bellatrix said. “How exactly are we supposed to do that? It’s six against an army of thousands.”
“I challenge my father for the throne.” Edion said. “Tradition dictates that if I can defeat my father in a one on one duel, the kingdom belongs to me.” 
Bellatrix had a concerned look on her face. “What if he declines the challenge?” 
“Impossible. The king must accept the challenge of his firstborn. If he refuses, he releases his own claim to the throne and the new king is chosen by the people. Either way, he goes down.”
Riza raised her fist in the air and cheered, “What are we waiting for? Let’s overthrow a kingdom!”

Next Chapter:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/17277343 


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