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I opened my eyes as soon as my wrist began vibrating. A single glance at my smartwatch revealed the culprit. I was suddenly thankful for the past me having enough self-control to set up an alarm for two hours ahead before the three of us had inevitably fallen asleep together. As much as I would love to remain in the dreamland while being surrounded by two lovely women until the very morning, we still had things to do. And to be precise, our meeting with Lulu.

Silencing the rude machine before it woke up anyone else, I took a deep breath, moving my eyes to my chest. I knew what to expect there, but the sight still warmed my heart in the blink of an eye.

Levia lay on her side just as I did, adorably snuggled to me from the front. Her modest chest moved up and down alongside the soft, peaceful breaths she drew while napping comfortably. Her forehead pressed into my collarbone as both of her petite hands rested squished between our bodies, rolled into small fists. Sprawled all over the pillow, her long, white hair cascaded everywhere, including her lithe figure.

I could stare at the charming little lady forever if given the chance.

But, I didn’t get that chance as someone’s athletic arm snaked over my chest from behind and I felt additional, tender pressure appear on my back. Two of them, actually.

Aisha announced herself by embracing me tightly and resting her chin on top of my shoulder. I tilted my head to the side and met her glimmering, draconic eyes. A wide smile curled her delicious lips up as she clearly intentionally pushed her impressive breasts into me with a faint hint of her usual mischievousness that I loved so much.

“Good morning, beautiful. Even if it’s evening.” I stretched my neck to present her with a loving peck.

She purred into my lips sensually, still tracing her fingers over my chest. We exchanged a few quiet kisses before she surprisingly withdrew herself. I arched a brow at my playful mate, which only made her mouth twist into an even bigger smirk.

“So, how do you feel at the beginning of this new path of your life?” she asked.

“What?” I frowned.

“Stealing another girl’s heart and finally starting your own harem for real,” she explained with a massive grin.

I groaned and returned my face to the front, closing my eyes.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips soon after. “Fuck… How am I going to explain this to my parents?”

As I opened my eyes once more, I noticed that I wasn’t the only one who had done that.

“I’m sorry for waking you up by blowing straight at your face.” I smiled awkwardly.

“You do not need to apologize.” Levia gently shook her head, still looking up at me with that enchanting, violet gaze of hers. “I did not think having multiple lovers would make things troublesome for you.”

I chuckled lightly as it was my turn to shake my head. “It’s not your fault. Even if our relationship wouldn’t have progressed any further, that lecherous woman would have kept pushing other girls at me anyway.”

As if to confirm my statement, Aisha licked her lips devilishly.

“Nevertheless, I appreciate you, girls. Both of you. I really do,” I continued, glancing between the two of them. “I just gotta figure this out and we are all good.”

“Will your parents want to distance themselves from you because of us?” Levia asked, trying to search my eyes for any hints of emotions.

“No, definitely not. As I said to Aisha, multi-personal relationships aren’t exactly the worst thing right now, and I believe that I know my mom and dad enough to be sure that they wouldn’t care as long as we are all happy,” I started rubbing my eyes, “but it’s something else when they learn that I dragged another woman into my bed in less than two weeks from the day we talked about engagement and commitment between me and Aisha. I already thought about the reason why we suddenly have one more girl living with us but this is a bit too much.”

“Wouldn’t that show just how amazing and manly you are?” Aisha pressed her plump lips into my cheek.

“Maybe in your world.” I scoffed softly. “Here, it would only show that I’m a womanizer who can’t remain faithful and dedicated to shit.”

“Your realm sounds complicated,” Levia commented quietly. “Anywhere else, providing for more women only makes a better man. It is not easy to properly care for a big family.”

“Besides, I can’t see how accepting two girls into your life who both willingly want to be a part of it can compare to cheating on your partner behind their back.” Aisha snorted. “That’s what being unfaithful means. That bitch from the restaurant is a perfect example.”

“Well, people try to push their twisted values on others and that’s nothing new. The majority makes the rules and common standards.” I shrugged. “But, I don’t care. All that matters is that you both are happy. It’s not like we will be able to interact with others that much. I’ll deal with it when the time comes and won’t hide either of you from my parents. Neither of you deserves to be cast away with a lie just so that I can look good to others. Everyone who doesn’t agree can go fuck themselves in the ass with a serrated mace.”

Aisha purred into my ear again and dragged my shoulder down to the mattress, forcing me to lie on my back. She then tangled herself around my left arm, burying it in her deep cleavage, and sinking my hand between her juicy thighs, close to her most precious place. A delicate kiss touched my left cheek before she nuzzled her face into my neck.

To my surprise, the withdrawn lady on my right went into action too. Levia hugged my arm, pressing her petite body into it. Since she was much shorter than the tall and muscular drakan, my fingers reached her smooth legs as she embraced me lovingly. She strained herself to reach my other cheek and leave a fluffy mark of her own on it, mirroring Aisha’s motions.

The feeling of both of them hugging my sides together was just impossible to describe. They rested their hands on my chest, brushing it reassuringly, and I could believe them unconditionally. I was a damn lucky man.

“Alright. All of this won’t matter if we don’t survive the Dungeon.” I sighed heavily to recompose myself. “Time to get up and think of a way to get rid of the giant, bony fuck and the puppet master.”

“Five more minutes, dad…” Aisha whined, sliding her hand lower and lower over my front.

“We’ve been talking for more than five.” I slapped her fingers away before they dipped dangerously low.

“Don’t you think it’s unfair that only Levia received your love? We should be treated equally, no?” She batted her charming eyelashes at me.

The person in question sat up, threw her long, white hair over her shoulders, and looked down at her. “I am thankful for the time you have given me with Lucas, but do not try to guilt trip him into sex when he is focused on important matters that regard his and our safety. I will be happy to wait for my turn for as long as it takes to make sure you feel satisfied with his care.”

Aisha wrinkled her nose as she sat up too. “I’m just teasing. You don’t need to abstain for me or anything. It’s up to Lucas who he would like to stick it in and when. I won’t be keeping tabs on how many times he fucked us to make it equal. I would have a huge leg up on you if I did, actually. Feels like weeks of no dick so no, thank you.”

I couldn’t help but just look between them in awe as they casually discussed my sex life amongst themselves like any other normal thing.

What had my life become?

Raising myself too, I wrapped an arm around their waists and pressed an affectionate kiss to their cheeks. “Thank you. For everything. Love you both.”

Aisha sent me a small smirk while Levia graced me with one of those tiny smiles. I crawled out of bed before my more energetic mate gave in to her lust. Jumping into my boxers, I went to get the kettle working on some coffee and sat down by the kitchen table as Rose lazily floated in circles under the ceiling.

My drakan beauty sauntered to the counter with a sensual sway to her shapely behind, shooting me knowing smiles. She definitely was aware that I stared much more at her incredible tail than her bubbly ass. Meanwhile, Levia trotted up to me and hoisted herself onto my lap, resting her back on my chest. While Aisha wore her usual sports underwear, she picked up a pretty, simple set of white lingerie in the form of a smooth bra and panties. My arms subconsciously wrapped the small lady in a hug to keep her from sliding off.

After the kettle pinged and Aisha poured the hot water into three cups, she looked at us over her shoulder with a squint. “You little seductress. It looks like jumping on Master’s cock once made you much bolder. And you dare preach to me about guilt-tripping Lucas into sex.”

Levia turned her face up to meet my gaze. “Does this make you uncomfortable?”

I leaned down, cupping up her chin, and placed a tender kiss on her soft lips as she fully let me. “Not in the slightest. It’s nice.”

A moment later, the doorbell rang and Aisha went to grab our guest. She came back with Lulu in tow and dropped onto a chair opposite me and Levia. The pink imp scanned our attire or the lack of it with wide, slightly unsure eyes but I gestured at her to take a spot too. Thankfully, she didn’t start undressing to match the atmosphere.

“What do we do now? Their numbers are insane, not to mention the size of that thing. How can we even get any closer? We have no idea what or where the source of the contamination is yet.” She barraged us with anxious questions.

“I say we ignore the swarm. It seems to be lying in wait. Only the Rib Titan is an issue. Levia won’t be able to triangulate the location with it destroying all the altars faster than we can get to them,” I replied, rubbing my chin. “We could split to get its attention elsewhere, though that’s of course a bit risky. Lulu would be the best for that plan thanks to her movement abilities.”

She looked at me pleadingly, clearly not wanting to be left alone in that necropolis with either the swarm or the giant fuck. And I could very well understand that.

“There’s a Witch behind everything, right? Things should calm down after we take her down, no? Perhaps we should make her our priority target,” my beloved drakan mate suggested.

“I am almost completely certain about that.” Our own, wise Witch nodded. “Perhaps I could try using my Divination abilities to learn more about the boss and the situation in the necropolis. We should be at a concise enough stage of our clear already. Too bad I lack good divination cards, though. I will not be as accurate without them as I was during my first life.”

“Divination cards, hm?” I pondered for a moment. “I have an idea.”

Levia gasped quietly as I took her under her armpits and moved her onto my shoulders. Her fingers found support in my lush hair as her soft thighs clamped around my neck. I slowly stood up and walked to my desk. Kicking the wheeled chair to the side, I knelt in front of my PC to give us both a decent line of sight at the monitor.

I navigated to the D-Shop and switched to Earthly goods. With a few quick searches, I found the category responsible for tarot cards and dove into it. There were plenty of different decks called wands, cups, swords, and such besides the most popular ones, but I chose to stick to the classics. Levia didn’t protest as I ordered a fancy set and Aisha jogged to grab it from the undetectable mailman.

The guy must be the worst nightmare of all the guard dogs.

I brought the two of us back to the table and unpacked the deck, setting all twenty-one cards in front of me in three rows. Soon after, I returned Levia to my lap and her inquisitive eyes scanned the colorful display.

“I wasn’t sure if you had tarot cards in your realms or perhaps something different. Do you think your Cartomancy will work with these?” I asked curiously.

She brushed her fingers over a few of them before nodding faintly. “Yes. Their meaning feels clear. Even though they seem to be made of normal paper, they should possibly give a clear reading on our queries.”

“Do you want to check what they represent?” I kept observing her fascinating actions.

She shook her head. “No. I can sense it faintly. When I activate my magic, it will become obvious to me, like I would be tapping into a source of ancient, ancestral knowledge. I can read the meanings your people gave them later. I am personally curious about them but they will not affect my reading.”

“Alright. Let’s give it a try. No matter the result, thank you for your invaluable help. Just give it your all.” I tried cheering her on a little.

Before getting to it, though, Levia glanced around the entire apartment and stopped her gaze at one of the upper corners of the kitchen. We found the Divine Fowl perched on the top of one of the hanging cupboards, napping silently while curled into its fluffy feathers.

“Rose, would you be so kind as to ask my familiar to come?” our Witch addressed our Pixie.

Rose gave her a few energetic bobs and shot toward the holy chick. The round bird squawked as she zapped it with a weak electric current and it scanned its surroundings with a calculating squint. The two seemed to communicate with each other somehow and the Divine Fowl descended onto the table soon enough.

Levia extended her hand to it and received a few quick pecks. Some kind of a golden, glowing symbol appeared on her skin and she nodded to herself in satisfaction. I decided to ask about it later and not disrupt my petite Witch’s focus.

She collected all the cards and began shuffling the deck. I knew she would have some expertise in that considering the fact that she worked with her arcanas, but she could literally give entire shows with her smooth, professional, almost magical movements. The rectangular pieces of paper danced between her palms and fingers, creating a hypnotizing spectacle that drew all of us in.

Finished with the shuffling, she set the deck on her right and hovered her hand over it. Closing her eyes, she waited in silence and neither of us dared to break it. A minute passed, then two, then three. Just as Lulu was starting to grow impatient, the golden mark on Levia’s skin shone with more power and she immediately drew three cards, setting them next to each other.

“It felt like it worked. Let us see what we got.” She glanced up at me and blessed my world with her heart-melting smile.

She flipped the first one over.

“The High Priestess in an upright position. As expected,” Levia announced. “It represents wisdom and knowledge. It can very well point out towards a Witch, confirming our guess, but this might be a little bit too early to decide.”

She flipped the second one.

“The Magician in a reversed position,” Levia called the card. “It symbolizes magic, rituals, spiritual change. Reversed, it points out to a warped, perverted approach. It making an appearance right after The High Priestess makes me almost certain that we are dealing with a Witch who strayed off the path.”

Finally, she flipped the final one.

“Death in an upright position,” Levia said. “This one should be obvious. Her unsavory practices led to her death. It seems to be a punishment for her misdeeds. But, it looks like she has found a way to cause chaos even after stepping off the plane of the living.”

“Incredible,” I complimented her as she took a steadying breath. “I’ve seen this plenty of times on TV but those quacks have nothing on you. I could literally feel the ripple of magic whenever you drew a card. How accurate can this be? Can we ask for a way to solve the issue of this Dungeon?”

“While Divination Magic is capable of revealing tiny glimpses of the possible futures, it can not be used to find all the simple solutions to people’s problems. Fate will not allow for that,” Levia explained with a shake of her head. “I can try to scout for more information regarding whatever the fallen Witch is trying to achieve down there.”

“That would be appreciated.” I nodded, gently rubbing her soft thigh.

“What did the chicken do to your hand?” Aisha asked before Levia began another round of Cartomancy.

“It blessed me with its Divine Luck. It lasts only for ten minutes but greatly raises my chances of getting the answers I want,” the Witch explained.

“Oh. Sounds like fun. How lucky are you now?” My drakan mate grinned.

“Try hitting me.”

Aisha blinked a few times in confusion, but seeing Levia’s usual, calm, and neutral face, she just shrugged and leaned forward over the table. Drawing her fist back and hanging on for a few more seconds to give our blue-skinned companion enough time to change her mind, she finally thrust toward Levia’s face.

The sight of a strong fist coming right at my new lover made me more than just a little anxious and I moved subconsciously to shield her, but I didn’t make it in time. Though, rather than Levia getting her charming face smashed, it was Aisha who suffered mild inconvenience instead.

We heard a cracking sound and the table suddenly tilted to one of its corners. Aisha lost her balance as she had been resting her other arm on its surface and her fist flew by Levia’s ear, missing the Witch by a few hairs. She then tumbled forward and crashed through the tabletop, hitting the ground with a mighty thud and a surprised groan, rolling onto her back and looking up at us with a wicked smile.

“I better look for a mark on your hand before I decide to fuck with you.” Aisha chuckled as I helped her up with a hand. “Shit. Sorry for the table, Lucas. I didn’t mean to.”

I snickered too and shrugged before Levia joined the apology. “I know. I say it was worth it to sacrifice it for the presentation. This chick feels more and more OP by the day.”

“This ability can be used only fortnightly, unfortunately. But, I agree that it is powerful when used correctly. It still can be overcome so you should never completely rely on luck in dangerous situations,” my pretty Witch warned us.

“Alright. Let’s move to the bed, then. We can’t waste your precious lucky minutes.” I stood up and gently let Levia down away from the splinters and pieces of the wrecked table.

We gathered on my bed in a small circle and she got to shuffling the deck once more. It now truly felt like playing spooky games during a sleepover among best friends. We only lacked some nice horror stories but I was sure that both of my incredible ladies could cough up at least a few from their own experience as Defenders.

Ready for another round, Levia focused for a short while to clear her thoughts and reached for the cards. I felt a weak pulse of mana with each draw and she set them face down on the sheets. Taking a peek at all of us, she flipped the first one over.

“The Tower in an upright position,” she said. “The omen of disaster, destabilization, a force of demons. It is of no doubt that she is trying to raise an army to bring chaos past the portal, into the open realms. An unfortunately vague reading but we do not always get perfect answers.”

“It’s okay. I’m sure we can’t just cheat our way with luck to learn the perfect solution to our issue.” I ran my fingers through her mesmerizing hair as she shook her head.

She touched the second card.

“The Hanged Man in an upright position,” Levia called. “This is a bit confusing. It usually symbolizes the lack of independence, perhaps the inability to help oneself. But, I can not exactly feel how it relates to the Witch. She can not take action? Does it mean that she is not the Dungeon Master and is just a pawn? Does it just describe the ritual as something forced upon her by the darkness? I am sorry. This is a really bad draw.”

“Looks like we might be trying to pry too much or something. Maybe whatever she is doing is obstructing your magic. I mean, I don’t know jack about Divination Magic but who knows?” Aisha shrugged.

“We’ll keep this in mind. There’s one more card. And any little hints can prove useful,” I tried to cheer Levia up so she didn’t feel down from the supposedly weak reading.

She nodded weakly and got to the last card.

“The Emperor in an upright position.” A small smile curled up the corners of her pouty lips. “I know exactly what this means. This is you, Lucas. Our master. Our leader. We will be victorious as long as we listen to your orders and guidance. You are the most important person. Your instructions are the key to solving this Dungeon.”

“Gee, way to put me under even more pressure. No big deal.” I chuckled wryly.

Aisha leaned into me from the side, pushing her amazing body against mine. “We all know you can do it. It’s thanks to you and your bright mind that we’ve been able to deal with our previous assignments. It’s an incredible feeling having someone dependable to rely on. Don’t be stressed, just be yourself.”

She left a tender peck on my cheek before returning to her initial position, without a hint of her usual teasing and mischievousness. Levia lay her small hand over mine and squeezed my fingers to show her trust in me as our eyes met. I smiled at her and nodded, again starting to feel warmth in my chest.

The sound of Lulu clearing her throat brought me back to the world of the living. But, right at that moment, another pulse of mana traveled through the air and my eyes snapped to the deck. Levia clearly noticed it too and we watched as one more card pulled itself out of it and floated to take a spot next to the third one.

“That is… unprecedented…” Levia whispered as her brows furrowed adorably.

“Doesn’t divining from cards work exactly on three of them?” Lulu asked.

“Correct,” Levia replied.

“Well, whatever happened, it gave us another chance. Come on, check it,” Aisha urged her.

Our Witch hesitantly flipped the card over and frowned even further.

“Temperance in a reversed position,” she said, picking it up and staring at it for a few seconds before looking at me. “You are doubting yourself. You are going to suppress what you really want for the sake of others. This is… about us. What is weighing on your heart?”

Aisha sighed heavily. “I know exactly what it is. I thought we had dealt with it long ago.”

Suddenly, she grabbed the bottom of her sports bra and pulled it off over her head in one swoop, causing her heavy breasts to jiggle alluringly. Lulu’s eyes widened to the brim as Aisha wiggled her hips out of her tight shorts too and shuffled closer to press herself into my back, wrapping me up with her arms.

“You need to stop thinking about me and Levia through the eyes of the System. Neither it nor you forced us to fall for you. It created these circumstances where we get to spend a lot of time together, true, but the end result would have been no different if we met as free people in some random realm. I would have craved to become your mate as much if not even more. You keep telling me that I’m my own woman no matter what the System says so you have to start believing this yourself. My love for you is real, Lucas.”

To my surprise, Levia began shedding her sweet bra and panties too. Laid bare in front of me, she crawled onto my lap and pressed her modest charms into my chest, hugging me tightly from the opposite side. I could see and feel everything as she nuzzled her forehead into the side of my neck. Contrary to Aisha, she said nothing, just embracing me silently with her lithe figure. Even so, her message was just as powerful.

I took a deep breath and chuckled quietly. “You got me. The whole talk about relationships and such might have reignited a few of my old thoughts. Looks like nothing can escape your luck-boosted fortunetelling.”

Levia squeezed me harder, pushing her petite breasts and warm girly parts into my torso even stronger. “We are yours, Lucas. We want you. You are allowed to want us too. There is nothing else to that. You can want our bodies, our beauty, our experience, our powers, our love. What is it that you want from us?”

I tried letting myself forget about everything and focusing only on the two ladies showering me with their feelings.

“All of it,” I whispered after a moment.

I could feel the smiles on their lips as they both pressed them into my neck to present me with a loving kiss.

“Then take it…” Aisha purred into my ear.

“You are our Overlord…” Levia sighed delicately.


Yeah, I was.

And they were both mine.

No matter what the System said.

No matter what the other people said.

I wanted them, they wanted me, and everyone else could piss off.

I was done playing by my old world’s rules. It was time to completely accept my new reality.



Thx for the chapter. Lulu’s reaction to him being an Overlord should be interesting 🤔


Thx for the chapter 👍👏👏