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“In simple words, it looks like I’ve clashed against a goddess,” I begin as all the girls look at me with pure curiosity.

“What?!” Cornelia gasps as their eyes widen in shock.

I chuckle lightly, cursing myself for being unable to shrug. “Pretty much what I said. You girls are aware of Umbra and Lumina. The light show at the very end was brought to you by the duo. That piece of entertainment wasn’t planned, though.”

“Did we see the Goddess back there?” Neira doesn’t hide her shock.

“Not just one…” Lianne whispers in clear awe and also partial anxiety.

“Let me start from the beginning. But first, could I request a slightly more comfortable position from my two lovely nurses?” I raise a brow at the blue-green mass below.

The mixed slime surrounding my body starts to shift and Cornelia yelps quietly, supporting herself with her hands in front of her pelvis. The change causes my member that she is keeping tenderly embraced in her chilly channel to stir her pot a little bit and she stares at me with an even bigger blush on her gentle cheeks.

The round coffin that I’ve been locked in morphs and changes angles. My limbs move through the cold thickness and I watch myself assume a sitting position. If I have to compare it to anything, my body mimics the way you sit in a comfortable car seat, almost lounging around but still with a decently straight posture. Naturally, the shift brings my beloved magician wife up close and personal with me and she smiles shyly right in front of my face, throwing her arms over my shoulders like she is hugging a headrest.

Lo and behold, I have been turned into a literal chair. With a fucking flesh dildo sticking out of the seating.

I really have to start writing down all these totally mental situations I get myself into regularly. Gods fucking help me…

“This looks nice.” Lianne giggles adorably. “May I get a ride next?”

“Hey, did you forget why I even let that bastard into my pussy? Cold seems to be doing good for his muscles. Your sluthole must be burning with desire right now. I’m not letting you anywhere near Al’s cock.” Cornelia glares at the Queen.

“I should be fine then, right?” Meru tilts her head cutely, her calm gaze moving between me and my current cooler.

Cornelia’s eyes snap back from Lianne’s face and she bites down on her lip, realising that it will be quite hard to argue using the reasoning she has brought up just a moment earlier. I chuckle a little and sigh softly.

“I’m slowly getting better. Everyone will get a piece of me, I promise. Let’s get the boring things out of the way before that, okay?” I glance over all of their faces and everyone nods without a hint of argument coming up, a tiny smirk curling Cornelia’s lips up.

I need to be careful with my words. After what happened, they might literally do anything I say without a word of protest. I’m a wounded patient to them and it’s blown out of proportion even more with how much each of them loves me. And vice versa, of course.

“So, ignoring me turning into an Armchair Slime, let’s get back to the emperor’s last moments,” I begin. “I was pretty sure we got the bastard good. You all did a great job, wherever you were and whatever your responsibilities were. I gotta thank Fei and the others for their assistance near the end too. But, things suddenly got hot.”

“He turned into darkness,” Meru continues with a nod.

“We knew that he was receiving some kind of support from the evil goddess but we couldn’t really predict her turning that fishbrain into her vessel. In his near-death state, he forced some kind of a connection and Umbra descended into him in the form of an avatar. It certainly wasn’t at full power but it was strong enough to squish any of us without a sliver of effort. My attack barely grazed her form and you saw the rest,” I add.

“You almost died…” Lianne’s bottom lip trembles as she tries her best to keep herself composed.

“Yeah, that was pretty fucking close.” I sigh heavily.

“But you didn’t. You turned into that… avatar… too. Made of light in your case,” Neira says. “Does that mean you are the Goddess’ vessel?”

“It was my first time learning about that but it looks like it.” I chuckle wryly. “But, it’s not all fun and games. Letting a divine entity borrow your body and use it as fuel for their existence takes quite a toll on a person and their soul. Tier 6 should be the minimum before one even thinks about trying and I am still at the fifth. Umbra wouldn’t care about what happens to her vessel but if we would have taken a few seconds longer back there, I would have been extinguished.”

They all look at me with dread written all over their faces.

“It’s alright. There was no other option anyway. It was to die or die with a tiny chance that things somehow work out,” I reassure them however I can. “So yeah, I got Lumina into me, got forced into riding shotgun, and the sisters started duking it out between themselves. My lights went out shortly after the fight. Umbra is gone but not for good. Getting cut off only injured her a little bit. Things might be a bit more complex going forward.”

“I’m really glad Lumina came to help you.” Cornelia sighs heavily. “The world might go into massive turmoil if people learn that we have a living Goddess’ Apostle walking the land.”

She lets out a stifled giggle and shakes her head. I really hope that doesn’t happen. Actually being able to go around without being recognized by literally everyone in all corners of the world is a valuable thing. I’m already quite popular in Evaneheim or the Human kingdoms in the general. I don’t need worldwide fame. Especially from religious fanatics. No offence to Elea and her people, of course.

“Are you going to be able to use that again?” Neira asks while shuffling behind the other women.

I can’t get a clear line of sight on whatever she is doing so I stop trying. “Possibly. But, it’s not something Lumina would want to be used too often. She shouldn’t interfere, and this time it only happened because her sister started it. She can’t overextend too much too often. Plus, I need to get tougher to withstand her descent.”

Soon, I realise what my creative Dark Elf beauty is doing. She hauls an easel and a clean canvas closer and sets it up a distance away from my seated person. Because, of course, she would never miss a moment to draw me in such an embarrassing position. I’m never going to live that one down…

“It might be useful in the future. If you ever need to rally up a big force somewhere far away in a short time, unable to gain people’s trust quickly enough, becoming an avatar of the Goddess will have high chances of convincing the majority of them to join your cause,” Lianne speaks her smart mind. “Almost every race in Naharren respects the Goddess even if they aren’t devout worshippers or followers.”

“Hopefully, that time never comes.” I grimace a little. “Anyway, after things went dark, I woke up in my Soul Realm like just now and shared a brief conversation with Lumina and Ailish to listen to the Goddess’ explanation of what happened. And our dear Succubus friend nursed me the entire time for the entire week, making sure that my soul recovers to its proper state.”

“We will have to give our thanks to her for aiding you spiritually, then.” Cornelia nods firmly and everyone mirrors the motion. “There wasn’t much we could do out here with your corporeal body. We tried all the medicine, potions, and even some magic to help you recover but you didn’t flinch no matter what. We could see the physical progress but your eyes remained closed.”

“You girls and she both worked hard. I don’t have words to express my gratitude and appreciation. There is no doubt that I survived the aftermath thanks to everyone.” I hold their gazes firmly one by one.

Gentle smiles blossom on the women’s faces, their level and intensity depending on each person’s demeanour, and they all move closer, including Neira. A rain of tender pecks washes all over my face as the emotional swarm of girls peppers my skin with loving kisses. Drowning me in their love for long enough, they give me some space to breathe again.

“You know, they say that actions speak louder than words.” Lianne grins impishly, her eyes skipping to the place of mine and Cornelia’s union.

“Later.” I wink at her. “I would like to hear some details about what happened while I was gone and what are the plans going forward. It won’t be easy to hear anything when you all start screaming my name at the top of your lungs.”

Cornelia swats my face with her delicate hand and huffs at me with a small smirk. “Asshole.”

“Works too.” I waggle my brows at her and her cheeks explode with deep sapphire after she catches on.

I really didn’t think she would do anything with my little quip back but she flicks her hand and a vial of lube materialises in her grasp. I raise a brow at the smiling beauty and Cornelia pulls her magnificent pussy off me. I start to miss her cold insides a little bit, but then she pours some of the oily liquid onto my stiff member and makes it more than obvious that something even better is going to happen soon.

Giving me a few careful rubs, she locks onto my eyes and starts lowering herself once more. I watch as my tip disappears between her supple buttcheeks and soon runs into something equally cold. She inhales sharply as my cock presses into her tight ring and slips into the death grip of her back entrance.

But, Cornelia doesn’t slow down and starts taking me deeper and deeper into her butt, smirking at me slyly in between the moments her lips make a cute little loop as I spread her narrow anus. A short moment later, I bottom out inside her chilly exit and a faint shiver runs down my spine.

“Better?” She shows a wide grin, licking her lips.

“Couldn’t have been any more…” I let out a bit of a growl to show her just how much.

“That’s what you get for acting cocky,” Cornelia sneers and goes after my mouth to sink her teeth in my lips. “You are going to be a good boy today and listen to your mommies. The first order is to rest properly. If you don’t relax as much as you can, we will make you.”

To further press her point, she grinds her hips in a circular motion, rubbing me all over her narrow insides. The other ladies stare at me with hungry eyes too, just waiting for an excuse to eat me whole. A week alone must have taken a great toll on them, both mentally and physically. I’m not going to act surprised either, sitting next to your loved one and wondering if they will ever open their eyes again must be horrible.

“Fine,” I grunt quietly. “The news?”

Cornelia halts the punishment and gives me a tiny nod. “Well, it is a bit shameful to admit, but we all panicked the moment you got out of that glowing energy suit. Meru was the first one to catch you and you looked like… death. Even without you explaining, we just knew that you were completely drained, on the verge of collapsing.”

“Your heartbeat almost didn’t exist,” Meru continues with a truly sorrowful expression. “I didn’t know what to do. Fei and Cir joined me and tried to revitalise you with their voices. I saw your aquatic features disappearing so I quickly rushed to the ship with them not stopping singing. I don’t think I’ve ever swum so fast in my life.”

“We regrouped right under the ship,” Neira takes over after her. “The Mermaids lent us an eel without a question and it brought us here in a flash. We hesitated just for a moment if all of us should go, but the enemy was in complete shambles and they assured us that they would take care of everything.”

“There still were a few of those monsters on the deck but Cornelia literally froze the entire top half of the ship solid the moment she stepped onto the planks. Some of that ice still hangs onto the ship’s hull like a spiky crown extending past its sides,” Lianne picks up next, her words causing Cornelia to escape my eyes and blush like crazy. “I almost fainted seeing the state you were in but we hastily brought you to my cabin and stripped. The first thought we had was to warm you up with our body heat while all the healers and medics gathered whatever they could.”

I chuckle quietly. That must have been a sight.

“Then, we just did what we could to fix you up, taking turns by your side. Safi and Emi turned into your personal bed, which I have to admit is incomparably more comfortable than anything else, and days slowly passed.” Neira smiles, peeking her head into my vision from behind everyone. “We were very reluctant to step out of the cabin but we knew that you had trust in us to continue the operation in your absence so someone always kept in touch with the Mermaids and the others.”

“That was usually me,” Meru chimes in. “Since my body is cold, I couldn’t really help with me warming you up. I oversaw everything that happened in the meanwhile and acted as our intermediary. The Sahuagins in the close vicinity of their capital were all eradicated and I led the army into the settlement to fully clear it up. Most of the people have been escorted away by the Mermaids but a good part stayed to defend us from the returning soldiers.”

“Are they a big issue?” I ask.

Lianne shakes her head with a smile. “Not really. They are in chaos after losing their leader. It seems that they somehow noticed the death of the emperor. But, their numbers are growing so we think that everyone is withdrawing to see what happened. This is a great opportunity to take care of as many of those monsters as possible before we leave.”

“A good plan.” I nod. “They might be returning also because the emperor’s influence over them disappeared. He was somewhat forcing them to listen to their orders with the power received from Umbra. But, it was only to assure subordination. All the atrocities they committed and still commit are their own.”

“That makes sense.” Meru nods back. “Now, we are just on standby, waiting for you. We didn’t want to leave without letting you have a say in it unless it was necessary. As for what’s next, we aren’t exactly sure.”

“Perfect. Thank you, everyone, for filling me in.” I smile at them kindly. “We will do just as you already planned. I need to recover a bit, so we can stay around and help with the returning Sahuagins. I’ll need to destroy the makeshift gate in the capital before we leave too. I’m sure you have already located it, perhaps even taken care of it. After that, I should go on a small journey to clear them up in the ocean. Hopefully, the emperor kept a map or something.”

“You are going to travel the entire fucking sea?!” Cornelia’s eyes widen in shock. “That’s going to take months!”

“They certainly haven’t covered the entire seabed yet. And I will think about how to approach this. If I went alone or with Meru, we could go pretty fast. But, I would like to have Safi and Emi with me for their acidic slime. Anyway, that’s a topic for later. It’s not like you will let me out of the room anytime soon.” I snicker a little, running my gaze over all of my caring wives.

“And you better not get any silly ideas, dear.” Lianne squints at me. “I know your type very well. They say that they are going to rest just to rush to the battlefield the day after. You are going to act like a good little boy and stay put until we say you are allowed to move. Are we understood?”

“Yes ma’am.” I try to nod involuntarily but it doesn’t exactly work well and the girls giggle at my struggle.

“I think we are done catching up. It’s time to start your first recovery session, dear.” Cornelia nibbles on her bottom lip, giving her hips a little twirl to tease a groan out of me. “Who wants to take care of our patient firs—”

“Wait for me!”

The door to the cabin slams open behind my back and everyone flinches, their eyes snapping to the entrance. Unfortunately, all I can do is drag my gaze from one edge of my vision to another without catching a good enough angle to even see the wooden wall on that side.

Pffft…” Cornelia almost bursts laughing but she quickly seals her mouth with a hand.

The girls all start giggling and chuckling while looking over my shoulders. They are clearly having a lot of fun with what they are seeing and I can’t get even a glimpse of it, forced to watch them trying to hold their laughter and tears of joy.

“What? Who is it?” I ask with a frown, not exactly sure about it since the shout came in a bit muffled from the other side of the door at first.

Rather than answering, the mysterious guest… thuds over the wooden floor, making the girls snicker and snort even harder.

Thud… Thud… Thud… Thud…

My eyes widen at the ominous sound of something heavy repeatedly slamming into the floor, inching closer and closer to my position. An occasional strained grunt joins the noise and it sounds like some kind of behemoth is coming after me. I look at Cornelia and the other girls as intently as I can but they just keep having fun watching my expression and the incoming monster.

Shit. My skills and abilities are so fucking dulled right now. I feel like I’m back to the point right after leaving the castle for the first time before establishing the brothel.

The menacing thudding almost reaches my ass trapped in a chair made of jello and I look to the side as much as I can, a little afraid of what I’m going to see. Then, with one more thud, it finally comes into my sight and I deadpan instantly.

“Ugh! Why does water have to weigh so much on land…” Fei sighs heavily, meeting my gaze. “Hi!”

I stare at the black-haired Mermaid shoved into a burly barrel while bent in half like a fucking shrimp. Both the top and bottom end of the dazzling, aquatic lady sticks out of the water’s surface, which sloshes with each movement, spilling past the edges and onto the floorboards. I finally realise that the thudding noise was made by Fei somehow hoisting her massive bucket into the air and skipping forward.

“How are you feeling, Alastair?” She beams at me with a slightly shy expression.

The girls laugh at my stunned face and complete lack of words to respond to the lovely Mermaid. Finally, I lose it and start chuckling almost maniacally at the comical sight. I’ve just awoken and I’m already done with this day. I’ve been swallowed by my bead, turned into a living chair with a dick, and now a Mermaid folded in half and shoved into a barrel came to check up on me.

I’m going mental, for sure.

“Did you at least close the door?” I ask after more or less regathering my wits.

Fei blushes more and lets out a cute giggle, which works well enough as an answer. Lianne trots to the entrance and takes care of it like the proper owner of this abode. She quickly returns to us and I sigh.

“I can’t anymore. Do whatever you want. Just be careful because it looks like I’m not fully myself yet. The Primordial body might be there but I can’t be sure.” I smile at them wryly.

“I’m ready too. We can begin anytime,” Neira adds from behind her easel, a pencil in each of her hands.

“I’ll begin, then. Maybe I’ll finally be able to make you cum first.” Cornelia grins at me devilishly and raises her hips.

“Mercy?” I chuckle lightly.


She slams her booty back down, sending ripples through the thin layer of combined slime covering everything around my cock. I groan in bliss as her tight little butt squeezes me with love during the mighty shove. She’s already accustomed herself to my shape a little bit as we talked with my cock inside her bum.

“This is going to be so much fun.” She licks her lips with a devious smile.

Cornelia supports herself on my covered shoulders and starts bouncing up and down faster and faster. Loud smacks fill the room with each slam. My hard member drills through her backdoor one poke after another. Meanwhile, I get to watch how Cornelia’s perky breasts jiggle in front of my eyes and how rivers of love nectar escape her currently freed slit. She’s clearly feeling damn good from having her asshole railed.

“Shit… Ahhhh… Ahhhh… It’s still as good… Ahhhh… As ever…”

She moans openly into my face without holding back. That’s quite rare but I assume it’s connected to them wanting to be as good to me as possible, no matter the company. It makes me a little warm not just at the crotch but also at the heart. I know that asking these girls not to push themselves out of their comfort zones at this moment would do nothing good so I decide to accept their feelings as they are.

“Ahhh… Ahhh… Ahhh… How does my ass feel? Ahhh… Ahhhh… Did you miss it?”

Cornelia rains tender pecks all over my lips while working her hips hard. Every other bang draws out a grunt from me and she relishes in that noise. I’m fully at her mercy for once. She’s always liked to be the submissive one during our lovely meetings but today it’s me who is bound and restricted. It seems to light a fire in her.

“Come on! Why can’t you cum already! Ahhh… Ahhh…” she complains with a playful pout.

From how desperate her movements become, it seems like she is quickly approaching her climax already. She might have been starved for some physical affection even more than I thought. But, that only means I’ll be able to watch her orgasm from getting her backdoor blasted.

Aware that she is bringing herself close to the edge, Cornelia doesn’t slow down. She actually becomes even more fierce and hammers her tight ring onto me with even more vigour. Finally, she takes it a little bit too far and a throaty groan escapes her throat as she climaxes on my cock, slamming it as deep into her butt as she can.

I take in the sight of her trembling figure and little trickles of lewd juices leaking from her perfect folds right onto the slime in front of her pretty pussy. Cornelia pants heavily while coming down from her high and rests her forehead against mine, her violet eyes boring into mine with pure love and passion.

“Fuck… Haaaah… I can’t believe you still held back…” She adorably scrunches her nose.

“It was a close one,” I admit with a smile and push my lips into hers, sealing them with an affectionate kiss.

“You can still finish him off if you want. I got a better idea for a good position,” Neira comments from behind her and we both take a peek at our painter Elf.

She changes the canvas and beckons Cornelia to come to her. My magician obliges right away and slips me out of her snug asshole with a blissful sigh. Meru, Lianne, and Fei lock onto my cock with hungry gazes, watching it bob a little after getting released from Cornelia’s clutches.

The other two women finish their meeting and my lovely magician wife prowls back to me with a devilish grin as Neira prepares herself to capture the upcoming scene. Cornelia stops in front of my legs and spins around, letting me see the sexy jiggle of her tender butt. She backs onto me, moving over my covered thighs. Pressing her back into my chest, she spreads her knees wide, opening up her secret place to our spectators, and alluringly arches her back. Her hands grab the sides of my head, or the slime covering it, and her own head tilts to the back so that her mouth is close to my ears. She wiggles herself until I feel her eager butthole press into my tip.

With one might smack, she drives my cock all the way into her tight anus. One lusty groan later, she starts bouncing on me again, this time in a much more exposed position. From my point of view, I get to watch her puffed-out chest heave enticingly and get a glimpse of the faces of our observers. Meru and Lianne get on their knees and I soon start sensing two tongues dragging over my shaft from between Cornelia’s legs whenever she lets me out of her butt. They work in tandem to make me burst.

“Damn… That’s cheating… You know exactly what to do to turn me on…” I grunt at them.

Neira smirks at me playfully, focusing on her picture. I bet Shino gave them those ideas.

In any way, I’ve already been close and now I’m speeding towards my climax with all the sweet attention my cock is getting. Additionally, the tongue duo goes right after my two treasures and sucks a gem into their mouths one each. That makes me groan again as the pleasure spikes a lot.

“Just like that. Milk him dry, girls,” Neira directs them like a professional porn producer.

Cornelia chuckles by the side of my face. “Just let it go… Ahhh… Ahhh… Fill me up, darling…”

It doesn’t take them long to coax an orgasm out of me and she clearly notices my hard member twitching inside her lovely bum. She slams it down one last time and grinds her waist around to fulfil Neira’s request. A rush of milky seed bursts into her backdoor and paints her insides white one jet after another. The other two keep rolling their tongues around my tightening balls, increasing the load my beautiful mage receives.

With me fully done, Cornelia steps off my lap, turns around, and leans in to peck my lips once more. White cream drips out of her second exit but she doesn’t care about it in the slightest. Showing me a gorgeous smile, she glances back at everyone.

“Who is next?” She raises a brow at our small crowd.

“I have just the perfect way to clean up after you, my dear Cornelia.” Lianne giggles sweetly and skips towards me with a happy step, waving her arms by her sides like a cute girl.

Without stopping, she rests her hands on the sides of my member and suddenly launches herself into a handstand on my lap. She intentionally tilts way too far and her petite butt smacks me in the face with a soft slap, evoking a chuckle from me. She lowers herself on her arms, spreads her legs, and arches her back. Her fragrant slit arrives right in front of my mouth just as I feel her lips envelop my erection.

This crazy nympho MILF…

Lianne slams her royal pussy into my lips and nose, starting to suck me off while upside down. I bet Neira and the others have an amazing view as the grip on my cock slowly tightens while the Queen shoves me into her throat without a hint of gagging. It must be a perfect bulge from their perspective.

I peel my mind off the incredible blowjob I’m getting and whip my tongue out to respond in kind. A reverberating moan travels through my dick as Lianne’s voice rolls through her tight throat due to my actions. I lick her leaking honeypot like my life depends on it. I catch a few of the girls watching me intently as I eat her out with an almost animalistic ferocity, perhaps placing themselves in the Queen's spot.

It turns out that my recent orgasm left me quite sensitive as I can already feel myself building up another one. It doesn’t look like I have any issues getting up and ready multiple times, though, but perhaps my passive of being able to fully control my releases isn’t working at its full capacity. I should still be able to cum buckets for these incredible women without disappointing them with my stamina.

My petite nympho Queen soon draws another shot out of me and greedily swallows all the life fluid while still upside down. I groan into her fragrant crevice and tirelessly flick her clit with my tongue, managing to push Lianne past the edge about the time I stop flooding her tense throat with my semen. She wrings me dry with the added squeezes and swallows during her own high and splashes my face with a small burst of warm nectar at the same time. Cooling down, she pushes herself off me and brings her feet back to the floor, unclogging her throat only after that, scooping every single bit of my seed with her tongue as she leaves my cock alone.

“And this is girls how you properly suck your husband off whenever he is tired and pent up.” She grins at me and the others as they applaud her happily. “Don’t forget to train your throat alongside your arms.”

I roll my eyes at her antics and glance around to see who is going to take over round three.

“Can I please Alastair next?” Fei asks timidly from the depths of her comfy barrel.

Everyone glances at Meru and she shrugs lightly. “I don’t mind. But it might be a little difficult with how he is stuck in the position of a chair.”

The pretty Mermaid ponders a bit about it until Lianne raises her hand. “I know! Meru, come here!”

Meru and the Queen step closer to the barrel and start whispering with Fei. Lianne suggests something and Fei’s eyes widen in surprise before a big smile blossoms on her lips and she starts nodding frantically. They exchange a few more words and seem to come to an agreement.

“Before you do anything, if anyone is going to want some baby batter in their womb, do me a favour and use the Anticonception Magic. I’m not fully convinced that my sperm control passive works flawlessly at the current moment. I certainly can’t indefinitely hold back my orgasms,” I present a small request to them as the duo starts pulling Fei out of her big bucket.

They all exchange glances and make a serious nod towards me. Then, the folded Mermaid finally escapes her prison and my strong sharkgirl carries her to me in her firm arms. Lianne works her magic over the fish-tailed girl’s pelvis and the sigil appears above her alluring mound. She then takes Fei’s hands and stops to my left while Meru moves her grip to Fei’s tail and stops to my right.

For a moment, my brain tries to compute what they are trying to achieve, but as they spread the sweet Mermaid horizontally over my lap with her front facing down, it finally clicks into place.

“Ready? On three. One, two, three!” Lianne counts down as they do three test swings upwards before plunging Fei’s pussy right onto my cock with the fourth one.

“Ahhhhmmmm! Yessss!”

I watch completely stunned as Meru and Lianne hoist Fei’s body up and down while holding her hands and tail. They drop the Mermaid repeatedly on my dick, precisely aiming her wet slit at my tip. It feels amazing for me, and I bet it’s just impossible to describe for the young aquatic girl.

“Shit… I’m surrounded by a bunch of psychos… Guh…” I groan openly.

They all giggle at my comment, even Meru letting out a soft chuckle as a hint of a joyful smile curls the edges of her mouth up. She’s clearly having fun tossing her distant cousin into the air and back onto my member. No one could have expected this.

“Ahhmmm! Ahmmm! Ahmmmm!”

Fei’s cries fill the chamber and she laughs between each penetration too. Maybe she is the one having the most fun out of this. Meanwhile, all I can do is watch this hilarious scene of the fresh Diva dropping her marvellous pussy onto my tip. She catches me staring and beams at me excitedly.

“Switch it up, Meru!” Lianne barks another order and I raise a brow at them.

Then, I groan again as Fei’s whines intensify too. Her two holders start bringing her ends in opposite directions, one moving up, the other moving down. It creates a new type of motion and achieves a creative angle of my cock dipping into the cute Mermaid’s love nest, stroking her insides in a very unconventional way. The time my shaft spends dragging over her snug channel becomes much longer with the resulting tilt and it brings us both closer to the finish line bit by bit.

“You fucking lunatics…” I let out a chuckle-moan.

The cabin is fully taken over by Fei’s laughter and amorous screams, accompanied by lascivious noises of unconventional lovemaking. All we are now lacking is for someone to start jumping over Fei’s body like a jumping rope and the world is officially fucking done with this shit. I’m the husband of the biggest sexual deviants in this realm.

“Ahmmm! Ahmmmmm! Ahhhhhmm! I’m almost coming! Ahmmm! Please! Together!”

I try my best to time myself to her request but there’s not much that I can do. Thankfully, Fei’s perfect passage starts constricting around me just the moment I begin struggling and I launch my everything into her deepest depths as the two women on my sides impale the hanging Mermaid onto my cock with their last swing. I flood Fei’s pussy just as she wishes for it, and exhale heavily. As Meru and Lianne raise her up, they reveal my still hard and eager to continue cock.

“That was something else!” Fei exclaims cheerfully as they drop her back into the barrel. “If this is what sex is like on the surface, I have no doubts that almost anyone you ask will come to your brothel!”

I snicker at her awe-struck expression. Perhaps she is onto something. We might call this position ‘Mermaid Out of Water’ and add it to our menu. It kind of resembles a fish that gets washed onto the shore and tries to bounce back into the water.

After Fei is fully delivered to her massive bucket, Meru approaches me from the front and joins our lips in a slow but sensual exchange of pecks.

“Please, tell me at least you are a normal one.” I chuckle at her and she shows a tiny smile.

“Since you should rest, I will help you rest and do it slowly. Enjoy, Alastair,” she replies calmly and leaves a loving kiss on my cheek before turning around.

Showing me her enticing back and magnificent tail, she lowers herself onto me like any normal girl while taking a peek at my expression over her shoulder. I sigh in bliss as her chilly insides tenderly wrap me up in an affectionate hug. Just as she promised, Meru starts to slowly move up and down, letting me catch a break after all the crazy sex that has just taken place.

And I’ll need all the rest I can if we want to wrap all the Sahuagin stuff anytime soon.

★━━━━━━━━━━━━Author's Notes━━━━━━━━━━━━★

Wrap up in one or two chapters, including the return. Almost there :)



Great chappy!!!! I’ll say this of Cornelia, her shyness and reservations appear to almost be history.


Haven't heard from the other heroes in quite some time it feels like. Kinda thought the female heroes would have had something to input given the severity of the situation.


Thx for the chapter.