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Greetings Adventurers!

As tradition requires, thank you, everyone, for your continuous support! I'm extremely grateful for your presence here and all the feedback and comments. Also, welcome to all the new people joining here and there. I'm happy to have you!

Now then, let's move on to the news.

First, New Year. I wanted to welcome everyone in this new grand period of 12 months :) Hopefully, it will be full of good and big things. The previous year wasn't so great (in some parts, of course) so it would be nice to see a positive change for once. Though, we all know how things look around the world and I'm pretty sure they will still to some extent keep affecting me. I can only try to continue doing what I do while persevering through the issues. Some of them have been more visible during the last weeks or months but I'm doing whatever I can to keep the pace up :)

Second, TWS paperback. There have been some small issues that delayed the release of Vol. 6 in paper but they are now pretty much resolved. Things should be up next week. Apologies for the long wait. I'll make a post whenever it's out.

Third, TWS audio. Still slowly progressing forward. Just like you, there's nothing more I can do other than wait and oversee things. I can only promise that I'll definitely see to the end of things and the project will continue as long as I have a say in it. It's riddled with small issues and unfortunate events, but we keep pushing ahead in hopes that everyone gets to listen to the final version at one point. Plans are to release all the current books into audio this year, and most likely those upcoming ones too. We'll see how that goes.

Fourth, DCI audio codes. As mentioned in the previous update, I was sending out codes to the people who waited for the next batch. Unfortunately, it looks like I was mistaken and the source isn't infinite so I have to apologize to those who might have not gotten theirs. I sent out everything I had, but I'm pretty sure a handful of people didn't receive a message, and now I'm out of all the codes :P Apologies again. Didn't expect that to happen. There were much more people requesting them than in the past. You learn something new each time, I guess.

Fifth, DCI chappies. As you have noticed, there hasn't been that much speed around them recently. That's due to a combination of things. I didn't expect to be as busy after I came back from the NY party and things just snowballed, both IRL and in regards to things related to the books. But, the sky has cleared up right now and we are again back in business. The last weekend's chappy is coming out later today alongside TWS, and the next one comes out Saturday/Sunday. Then, weekends as it was before. After I make sure that there are no other interruptions, we are moving to 2 chappies a week.

Sixth, arts. Commissioned. We are now waiting for delivery since the last month. It was the holiday season so I'm not that surprised that things are moving a little bit slow. They will get there though so we gotta wait a bit. It's gonna be worth it for sure. I got a few nice comms lined up.

I think that's all if I didn't forget anything. If you have any questions, always feel free to hit me up!



Winston Smith

Don't forget to keep those BIAW chapters coming!