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Just wanted to wish Merry Christmas to those that celebrate. I've never been good with wishes so I just hope that everyone is having a nice time during this holiday season. Thanks to those who sent me their wishes. I appreciate everyone's support, including the silent one. I'll try my best to keep bringing you constant gifts in the form of hopefully fun and nice chappies and arts. Unfortunately, my planned TWS audiobook continuation didn't arrive on time to be a Christmas gift so we will need to wait a little more still :P

Making use of this occasion, I'll just mention that the next DCI chappy will most likely arrive around Tuesday or Wednesday since I'm still with family and friends. Additionally, I plan on releasing another DCI happy right after instead of the following weekend since that will be the New Year, and who knows in what state I'll be :v BIAW should come out as planned on Monday. As I mentioned recently, there might be a slight change in the schedule starting in January with a bit more DCI on the plate.

Stay healthy y'all and hear ya soon!



Merry Christmas to you and your family

David Hoerner

Merry Christmas and Happy New year !


Merry Christmas


Merry Christmas