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Greetings Adventurers!

As tradition requires, thank you, everyone, for your continuous support! I'm extremely grateful for your presence here and all the feedback and comments. Also, welcome to all the new people joining here and there. I'm happy to have you!

Now then, let's move on to the news.

First, the recent release. As every single time, I want to say thank you to everyone who purchased the ebook and also to everyone supporting my stories here :) I wouldn't be here without you and I really appreciate it. The release seems to be going nicely so there's that :)

Second, paperback. I'm working on it and should finish soon. Then, we have to wait for Amazon to approve it, which can take from a day to a dozen sometimes. Apologies for the long wait but I'll do my best to bring it to you soon :) It's a chonky boi and there's a lot to check for quality of the print :P

Third, TWS audio. All I can say is that we are finally making GREAT progress after so long. I can't yet reveal that much but the sun is shining on us again after lots of stormy clouds. I sincerely apologize for nothing happening since the last release but life hasn't been great towards TWS audio for some reason :P

Fourth, DCI audio codes. I should be getting more this month so I'll be getting back to the comments under the post from September. I'm pretty sure a few people still didn't get it. If you joined since then, you can comment here if you are from UK or US and I might send you one if some remain after I go through the queue :)

Fifth, upcoming schedule. As you already know, we reached the end of the TWS marathon for now. I have a few ideas about the following months and how things will look, but first, there's December, and there are lots of things happening in December like Xmass, New Year, and so on. Therefore, for a moment, we are back to the old schedule, meaning Monday BIAW, Tuesday & Friday TWS, and Saturday or Sunday DCI, with possible additional ones of DCI or TWS but nothing guaranteed.  Next year I might raise both TWS and DCI by 1 chappy but we'll see. 

I think that's all if I didn't forget anything. If you have any questions, always feel free to hit me up!



Winston Smith

As long as we keep getting our BIAW chapters I'm good. :)


Suffering from TWS marathon withdrawal over here. :P