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It occurs to me that Atra may end up becoming one of his summons.


Oh no last call! The bar is closing. Lol

Eroyla Drago

He can turn atra into a close aide right?


Poor Bryn, she wants the D, but doesn't think she's worthy. Low self-esteem is a rotten curse to suffer under.


When it comes to bryn I can picture the author giggling like golem in the corner with a troll stick that says no horny for you

Darth Mole

Oh no! I hope Saileri doesn’t look at Bryn like the Family Guy creators look at Meg! ;p


I bet that when we get there, she’ll admit to watching through his mates eyes while he is planting his garden and she admits to it as she masturbates.


Can't wait for Bryn's <3 scene. The only question is how soon, before or after they beat the spire.


This and the precious chapter mention a 5 on 1 battle, wasn't it 4 on 1? Chapter 223 clearly introduced it as 4 on 1.


Thx for the chapter 👍👏👏


They really only considered it when he brought up liquor🤦🏾‍♂️ dang drunk pigeons