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Here comes another quite interesting art :) As you might be able to notice, this will be our next cover very soon. I won't reveal anything more since just the image does it for me :P

Unfortunately, it looks like we will have to go looking for a cover artist once more, the fourth time for this story. Due to some circumstances, we won't be able to continue with what we have again. Things just never calm down. If you ever wonder how it is to be a writer, well, it's just constant stress and issues :P But, at least writing itself is fun. And everyone following the stories makes it more bearable for sure :)





I like the were panther version. Sorry to hear you need to find another artist though.


I like the picture of Miria. However I always wonder the reason in your case artists only do 1 maybe 2 if your lucky images before they bail.


I love this picture of Miria best one yet. This artist should do all the characters.


Various reasons. The most common is the war since I tend to work with EU artists and a few of them were from Ukraine or Russia so the contact was cut off or inconvenienced greatly. My first artist went on a year-long break after making the first cover so there was nothing to do about that either. The current artist doesn't do covers anymore. People change and I can't do anything about that. Well, I can pay thousands for "professional" companies that make covers but I don't feel like I'm at that level yet. Those also usually stick to one specific style while the artists available around are more flexible, and there are many that feel just great for certain projects, when you see their style and it fits the story so well.


She's so lovable!

Darth Mole

MEOW yes please! Come on science! Hurry up and make gene splicing that creates cute girls with cat ears and a tail a thing! Some fur is also ok :x


I understand, it is hard working with artists in warring countries also I 100% support the fact that you are commissioning solo artists instead of using expensive artists for your works. Though it still saddens me that you are unable to keep artists that have done a great job on the works that you paid them to do.


Great picture


I’m just surprised non of us that read your work are artists lol.


Less of a fan of this one then the others. The face i think needs a bit of work.. also wasnt she black furred and not dark purple? I wish it stayed consistent. Otherwise its pretty good. Keep them coming. I like being able to see all of your characters come to life.


It is black though the lighting just goes like this due to the ARK setting. Nothing much you can do regarding artist's style.At the same time, full black would without the lighting shine would make all her edges disappear. And when you actually look at the very first Miria's art, you can notice that the illuminated parts of her fur had a similar shade. All in all, things do be like that sometimes.

Michael C

If you are looking for an artist.. this guy on Twitter has a style that could fit your books. https://twitter.com/bartolomeobari2