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As promised, we'll be having a little poll! I have an uncountable number of ideas to write or continue and decided to leave it to you guys now that we have wrapped the entire first volume of DCI up. I'm not sure about the duration of the poll since I'm still working on some other things so I won't be able to jump into writing a 3rd story immediately yet.

Now, to shine more light onto this thing. Below, I'll list and briefly explain the options you can vote for, and under that you will find the poll with corresponding entries. Pick whichever seems most interesting and fun :)

Here are the options:

A) Volume 2 of DCI - I don't think this needs any further explanation :)

B) A new story in DCI universe - I had an idea to write a story from another perspective. If you remember, I mentioned companies that make sure that fantasy stuff remains a "secret" or deal with the Dungeons that broke out into the realm. So, it would be something like Men in Black perhaps but with my own little spin. It would be a much deeper Urban Fantasy than DCI. It would be fun to have both series expand on the universe from two different sides, the restricted one of Lucas, and the more free one of the other guy :)

C) Urban Fantasy with male "Selene" - Without revealing too much, I have always wanted to expand on Selene's powers from TWS even more than in that story and figured out a way. I'm really excited about my idea of how to make this interesting both from the world standpoint and also the main character, who would be discovering more about himself and his powers as time goes (so I guess Asterios/Selene fusion, hah). Of course, there would be badass and sweet monstergirls to accompany our charming MC :) This might be the option I am the most excited about. I even considered going with it right after Volume 1 of DCI.

D) Post-apo story - Another of my very fun ideas that I can't talk too much about without spoiling the best parts :P In short, some big shit happens and we start centuries after Earth went to shit. Lots of exploration, ruin delving, tribal stuff, and first and foremost, community building. I wanted this story to be the "kingdom building" trope since that's a thing I want to write one day too. With a little twist of course but can't reveal that :P

E) Sci-Fi story - I grew up on Sci-Fi as much as Fantasy and my entire life began with Star Wars The Phantom Menace :P So, I obviously have a few ideas about scifi stories. In this one, we would follow a veteran space fighter who arrives in an unknown yet system. A more chill story focusing on exploration and "making friends" while also somehow making a living. Lots of space fighting, "alien" girls, a relaxed slice of life on the main ship, etc. A slightly slower story without some giant intrigue in the background.

So, yeah, I can most likely guess the answer but the choices are here.

Go and vote!



Honestly everything you've written has been excellent, so it's hard to decide. I'm up for anything you want to write, but whatever you're most excited to write about is my first choice.


That's the thing, I'm excited about everything and even many more not on the list hah.


I had to go A, his party needs another member or two and the DCI universe should be a bit more defined before B. C sounds good but I think the real hook is something you can't reveal yet. D and E both sound like a lot of fun and I would look forward to your take on those two settings.


It's hard to talk about them without spoiling the most fun parts :P The other DCI story would help define it actually since it would show more of the rules and how it works while DCI is mostly about Lucas "working" for a quite locked company so his knowledge is limited, although of course slowly dripping in too.


I need an 'All of the Above' option. You can take on 5 new projects plus keep BIAW and TWS going, right? Who needs a life!?!? Gotta be honest, I checked the sci fi box without even reading the rest of your post. I, as the others have said, wouldn't turn away from any of the options, but sci fi and fantasy are my go to genre's as well. I'd love to see you put something together in a sci fi universe. But 'Phantom Menace', really? Star Wars life starts at a New Hope. I'm not saying the prequels were not worth seeing, but I did enjoy the original 3 more than the prequels. Still trying to figure out how I feel about 7 - 9 though. To each their own I guess!


I had Phantom Menace on VHS as a few years old kid so I grew up with it on repeat by my own choice. Naturally, I like the originals, but the prequels speak more to me. The new ones were okay but mostly enjoyable thanks to the effects.

Jim Moak

I wanna see more DCI, so I hit A for my choice, but I’d love to see your spin on Sci-Fi. I imagine it might look a little like Star Wars x Firefly.


Perhaps something like Mass Effect and Mass Effect Andromeda combo too haha. Exploring around and recruiting new crew. Just no Reapers trying to end the existence :P

Jim Moak

I’d be excited for any of it!


Damn, I really want a 2nd chapter of DCI, but that Post apo "Kingdon Builder" is right up my alley. Guess i'll have to make due with the "Kingdon" our Company man is building in his apartment. lol.


Volume 2 would be fine just write that so you don't overdo it. The other stories can be fleshed out better this way without the pressure of putting out releases and finally be put on the table with better direction.


I know DCI volume 2 is going to win (and I want this as much as everyone who voted) but I would love to see your take on a Sci-Fi story, especially since pretty much everything else you have written has been deeply rooted in fantasy.


Definitely gonna keep the poll results in mind :P And there's more interest in that scifi one than I expected.


I don’t think I have ever had to make such a tough decision. Even choosing where to go to college was easier than the decision I have to make now. I chose A because I really loved DCI and the world in it is something I find really interesting. I mean, for all we know, you may be part of one of those companies and want this story to open our eyes to the real world!!! 🤣 I think every one of those options sounds amazing and wish I could select all of the above!!!! That Sci-fi story sounds like it would be amazing. But so does the Urban Fantasy one. But also the post apocalyptic one sounds amazing. Also, reading a story in the DCI universe from a different perspective would be really cool and would give a deeper look into that world. Have I emphasized how “amazing” all of them are?!?!? I am really looking forward to the results!!!!! Thank you for the amazing stories!!!!!!!


I say get DCI to volume 3 then expand with J take of company. Then add the option D and E and maybe a little C but C would be last don’t really feel it. More please youngster with your phantom menace lol.


c and b seem fun but I got to go with option A


ALL OF IT!!! But I guess for now I’ll roll some dice or something to pick one.