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I did not expect such development but hey, it is done!

Our fiery Martial Artist girl finally got some love :) We'll definitely be seeing more from the artist whenever possible!

She might look a bit very smol in the art, but it's mostly due to her low stance. We should keep in mind that Astrea is 150cm, or 4.9 in freedom units.

There is another surprise coming out soon :)




David Hoerner

Considering we got a sneak peak earlier. That was faster than expected. Love the work!


"Freedom units" that was hilarious to read


It’s a loli heh


I wouldn't say that but I guess the low stance and artstyle might give someone that impression. I know a few female friends who are around Astrea's height and I wouldn't call them that :P


Much more than the stance, it's the size of her head relative to her frame that makes her look smol.


you have a conversion error 150 cm is 4'11" or 4.9 feet which is where your conversion went wrong most conversion calculator's only show feet with a decimal unless you specify otherwise sorry if this sounds preachy just wanted to let you know


I never really converted it just copied the number a friend from USA quoted when seeing the cm. I don't give other ones usually :v


My aunt is 4’8 so I get it just saying first thing that popped into head when I seen pic lol.