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David Hoerner

Oh Friday's chapter looks like it will be very entertaining indeed. Great chapter!


Is Selene's tails permanent visible or is it still only when she enters the awekening?

Robert Thornton

One typo I spotted... caste --> castle


Dum duuum duuuuummmmmm...


Excellent chapter! I’m loving the problem of the parents both coming at the same time


man, i would love to see a depiction of their faces with that last bomb shell. hahahaha.


I’m hoping Yumi gets to bond! Not as a mate but that step right under. Like, she sees them coming and going to the other realms and as his personal maid, wishes to accompany them in the other realms.

Puggan Se

is the portals going "home"? so now after they moved in, is Tinas portal going to this castle bedroom?

Tanner Lovelace

So when they say this: “We didn’t see how many tails she had in any of the memories, did we?” “No. She’s always showed up with just one,” Asterios replied after taking a moment to think. That’s not entirely true. At the end of chapter 166 it’s specifically mentioned that in the memory that she pulls out 7 tails. Now whether or not that’s just what she needed to fly and she has more, that could be but Ast should have noticed the number there.


Ha, the mother’s move faster than the kid’s have anticipated. 😅😅 Thx for the chapter. 👍👏👏