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I wanted to have DCI today back on the menu but a few things drained me out during the day and I just don't feel well enough to write top-quality content (for my standards at least since my writing is nothing much :P), and we are in a quite important part of the story, nearing the arc's completion. I feel a bit weak right now so I'll just work on it on Saturday while taking care of some post-release stuff, and getting some art ready for you guys, and such today. Apologies. I can promise you that the chappy will be a big one :) Interpret that however you will.




Take care of yourself, and don't ever take your own health and wellness for granted. We all eagerly await the next chapter (of each of your series), but remember: no one, on their deathbed, ever said, “I wish I'd spent more time working.”


As long as we get TWS tomorrow I’m ok with this!