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Damn good chapter!!! Need more!

Mr. Nut

Now that, that was fire 🔥

Brian O.

Awesome chapter. Is it Tuesday yet?


YES! play stupid games win dragons breathe! I really want to see the demon kings expression right before he breathes the fire. that look of "Ooops"


Awesome! One of the best spas ever! DON`T MESS WITH HIS WOMEN!!!!!

John Duncan

Well sh*t fire and save matches I want more chapters please

Darth Mole

Hyyyyyyyyyyyypppppppe!!! Zomg! Zomg! Zomg! Zomg! Zomg! So much hyyyyyyyyyyyypppppe!!! My only feedback/request/idea would be to read more about Ast’s feelings/thoughts/lack there of to the kings provocations during the fight. Unless he talks about it all in the next post. I need support in waiting until Tuesday!!!! Luiswu!!!


Lol. I feel like this was DBZ episode. FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON WEAKEST SUMMONER


Shouldn't have brought his mates into that you should have know he'd kill whoever touches them. Play stupid games get the prizes from them as well. But all in all great chapter and can't wait for more.


Damn that was awesome, Demon king took it to far and but of more than im he could chew lol


I've been thinking about the ending of the fight all night and I'm thinking this may become a sticking point for Princess Sylvia. We know she has been considering becoming one of Ast's mates, but now seeing how intense the dragon side of him can be to protect them she has to question if his dragon nature becomes more prominent would she ever be able to leave his harem if she needs/chooses to marry someone else for "the good of the kingdom." The problem could be sidestepped if Welrond and Kindra get married and have a son though, but for now this is something else she will have to weigh during her consideration especially considering the Hestizo's allergy to becoming nobility.

Darth Mole

I agree that the biggest sticking point would be the Hestizo’s stance on nobility and royalty. However, I can’t see Sylvia, for many reasons, getting with Ast, and then still plan on marrying someone else later. There is so much against that scenario happening. I also don’t think we have been told whether or not women are allowed to rule in the kingdom, meaning she may be able to marry into the Hestizo’s family without connecting it to politics. There is also the fact that Ast’s mom, from the sounds of it, isn’t going to be the next family head (men only maybe?), even if she is the best prospect ability wise. That allows, to your point, for Kendra and king to marry and produce a male heir. Frankly I’m really really really really really curious how our dear author (hint hint hint dear author) plans on solving this situation lol. Though I suppose just not having Sylvia and Ast get together will definitely solve it lol.


I don't think them getting together, then Sylvia marrying someone else is likely either, but it's something she has to consider nonetheless. We haven't been told if women can rule, but considering how well educated Sylvia is it seems like Welrond has done everything needed to ensure she becomes a good queen when he's done with the crown, whether she is on her own or married to the future king. On the plus side, Sylvia could easily argue Ast is already on the nobility train after his engagement to Tina, so he'd just be going up a few steps, especially if Roz's sister (I honestly can't remember her name off the top of my head) later joins the harem as well, which has been lightly hinted at a few times. I'm really unsure about the Hestizo's hierarchy, yes the text clearly implies Ast being selected as heir, but that doesn't really rule out Kendra from being the next heir in line for the household before him. I could easily see Kendra becoming queen and producing a male heir to the throne giving Sylvia the chance to follow her feelings for Ast and, the harem as a whole, accepting a lesser peerage and becoming head of the Hestizo household. It is a very complex situation, which makes the story more interesting.


It's been hinted that male heirs are preferred, but we have no reason to believe that a queen couldn't rule the Human kingdom, especially given that the neighboring Elven country is apparently ruled by a queen. I presume the intention is that Silvia marries a suitable man of her choosing and then either she takes the throne as queen, with her husband as king-consort or the two of them take the throne together, as king and queen.


Thx for the chapter 👍👏👏