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Greetings Adventurers!

As tradition requires, thank you, everyone, for your continuous support! I'm extremely grateful for your presence here and all the feedback and comments. Also, welcome to all the new people joining here and there. I'm happy to have you!

Now, I also wanted to thank everyone who has bought the book on Amazon. We've recently reached 200 ratings there, which is insane! Thank you guys or girls a lot! I'm sure there are at least a few people here who did so or arrived at Patreon from the notes in the book. If someone has read it and didn't rate/review it, I would be really happy if you could find a moment to tap that star rating at least ;)

Let's proceed to the few things I would like to mention in this update.

First, the paper version of TWS Volume 1 has been submitted and is waiting for approval. Since my luck with Amazon is kind of trash, I can't say when or if ever it will finally pass through the copy-paste template replies from people reviewing the submission. Last time it took 10 days, we'll see about this one. Currently, it's 5 and counting. Nothing I can do.

Second, I have to apologize for not managing to bring to life a few things promised the last time. Due to the fact that I joined KU with TWS on Amazon, I had to pause and rethink bundling chapters into volumes here just to be safe. Amazon already hates me enough, hah. 

Also, the glossaries are still underway, unfortunately. I had lots of unnecessary things to take care of last month, including some completely pointless health check appointments that only ate my time. Nothing serious though so no worries. Just some things I had to come to check.

So, I will be trying to finish these things hopefully this month.

Third, we'll see about some more arts this month. Depends on the availability of artists. Maybe sum lewds again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Fourth, the project codenamed Moon had to be delayed a little due to the issues mentioned above. It will get here at some point. I naturally have to prioritize the current stories for you all :)

I think that's all if I didn't forget anything. If you have any questions, always feel free to hit me up!




Keep up the good work


Do lewds of Shino and Elea next please! Thanks!


We'll see about it :P Shino already has gotten two scenes just recently but Elea might be onto something soon.


Really? I've only saw the chibi version of Shino and Elea... Is therre more somewhere?


Thinking about it again, need lewds of all of his "Wives". After those, then Teffith and the tieflings. B^)