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hawkshe .

Lol, poor guildmaster, getting terrifying experiences one after another with this group.


Lol still enjoyable. Will there be no biaw this week?


Gotcha rl sucks adulting is hard


Kinda whish she would go active and join his harem now lol but seriously love this novel u like authors other one

James A. Murphy

Not sure to put this comment on this or the next chapter, but there's a lot of hand waving around loot in these two chapters, the value of the items gained from destroying a dungeon was mentioned serval time but when it comes time to lay out exactly what they got in loot and reagents it's just not talked about previously I talked about the concept of money being eliminated from the story at a certain point and that choice effects these chapters if all money is handwaved after a certain point then why point out things are valuable its vaguely mentioned in the coming chapters that some of the core shards have runes etched in them for the spellslinger but given how each has been built up that sounds like it ends up in the melt your arm off scenario described when he got the thing, and the Guild master just says you're too busy to count your money and it will catch up to you eventually, there's a hole in that it implies there's an international banking system, that can communicate like the guild system clearly can but no time was spent mentioning such a thing exists like I said it has to do with money so its all hand waved this is not a critical flaw in the story but its a hole in the storytelling wouldn't take a lot of word count to settle loot or explain there's a magical banking system certainly not even a whole chapter

Austin lloyd

yeah, I agree. Also, Asterios is a sensible intelligent person who believes in preparing well for situations. part of preparation is being financially stable and capable of buying the materials they will need, even the really expensive ones. His lack of enthusiasm for what they acquired and how they can use it feels like disinterest on his part...