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Hello my great friends!

To not confuse anyone with unnecessary words, let me just get straight to it.

1) As some may remember, I released an eBook on Amazon recently. Now, I will be adding paperback version there. To avoid the same issues I had with the eBook (ughhh), I will hide the chapters in Volume 1 until it goes through verification positively. This might be temporary, for a week or so, but...

2) The book is doing much better than I thought on Amazon, ranking up pretty high. Many of my author friends are urging me to add it to Kindle Unlimited/Select since the story is that good in their eyes. Not gonna lie, I'm slowly yielding under their influence. I did plan on having this story on KU, but not that soon.

Therefore, it is possible that I will decide to "test the waters" by going into KU for a trial period after the paperback comes out. I don't know yet. But I know I wanted to be transparent and let everyone know that it might happen. If it does happen, the chapters (4-31 only) will remain hidden for three months, while of course the story will be still continuing further. If it does happen, I will add an announcement chapter about it.

Whatever goes, I will let you know. And I hope everyone can be understanding. There are just so many things to consider. I'm still very inexperienced, but yet, blessed with amazing support. Know that I will never think about disregarding Patreon and Patrons or anything. You guys are my main crowd to keep happy.

Not sure when the chapters will be hidden, but most likely this or next week. I hope Amazon won't fight with me for 10 days again saying that I'm not the real author, hah.

Also, for people who read this far, some might have noticed that I'm working on something. Soon, I might post that something here. It will be an exclusive Patreon treat most likely. I'm just doing that a bit on the side now and then so it's nothing with regular updates, but I still want to share it with all of you.

If you have any questions or doubts, feel free to comment!

Cheers! Love y'all!


Darth Mole

Congrats and thanks for the heads up! Also, sorry for my ignorance but what is KU? Thanks for a great story!


Glad to hear it is doing so well


Kindle unlimited is a publishing thing that makes you hide the content if posted free to read, and as far as I know pays pretty well compared to other publishing places..


Kindle Unlimited. It's like Netflix for books kinda, on Amazon. Paying like 10$ a month you can get books for free to read if they are submitted to it. So it's pretty much free books on Amazon instead of buying each for 5$. There's more to that but you can find info on it on the web, hah.


Hah, I brought up the customer side and Skyell did the author one. Yes, it's like an exclusive contract for an author that lets them earn a lot but you have to make it exclusive to their site.

Darth Mole

-face palm- you even wrote kindle unlimited in your original explanation. Sorry! Thanks for humoring my "I must be blind" question.

Alex L

Congrats! I'm Looking forward to the 'something' (Whatever that means)!