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Can you believe it? We've reached 100 chapters for TWS! That's like a lot! If we averaged the wordcount to like 3k, that's 300k words! And it's much more since the sizes vary! Three full volumes of TWS!

Thank you everyone for following my work and supporting me! It's only thanks to you that I can write without so many worries constantly eating away my mind. Yes, I still have lots of things to think about and worry too, but it would be way different if you guys weren't there!

So, thanks again and I hope you will like the nearing conclusion of the third volume!

The artist for this piece is Sketchy!





Congrats !

hawkshe .

Good for you. I presume this picture is major current and future long term party members. After all, if it was only current members it shouldn't include Tina, if it was harem member it shouldn't include Umbra and if you just thought this would be a neat picture I could be overthinking the whole thing, lol. Anyway, hope there's many more chapters to come!


Yeah, pretty much team members or the closest to it. Or harem members with Umbra as an extra. I honestly didn't have him at the start and only decided to add him at the end of commissioning this hah.