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Last sunday I went on an excursion to the Moselle, a famous river and valley with beautiful vineyards and charming towns. But I wasn´t a "real" tourist - I went there for hiking and climbing a special path called "Erdener Treppchen" - literally "Erdener small stairs". I was part of a small group and everybody was pretty excited to climb the vineyard. It was, well it still is, super bold! At some parts we had to climb stairs and also ladders and it was a great mix of hiking and climbing. Each time I felt like I need a break, there really was a place to rest. At a bigger baiting place lovers and visitors put pieces of slate into the rock with their names (hearts) and dates on them. If you take a sharp slate it is easy to write on another piece. The whole Moselle valley is full of slate: Rocks, mountains, traditional architecture... It has a very unique look and climate. It was super hot!! The ground felt like a mirror reflecting the spring sun to the maximum and I sunburned, like nearly everybody in my group XD
Someone of my group also mentioned: "Your Snow-white look isn´t made for suntan."

Lots of sweat later, we reached to top of the vineyard and everyone felt proud. After a rest with some food and drinks we hiked all the way back down through little forests with littly creeks, bold rocks and fields of vine.

Please check out the photos above to get a better idea of the place. I know the quality isn´t the best, because my smartphone isn´t that "fancy".
All vineyards have names written in "Hollywood Hill" letters and one is called "Kröver Nacktarsch" - "Kröver Nude Ass" XD There was a village called Kröv and they also had a statue of a man spanking a nude ass at the main street. I wish more regions would have that kind of humor.



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