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What do artists talk about? Did you ever wonder what they say to each other? 

Today is "backstage" time in Kings Journal and you get an exclusive look behind the art and the creation of Jacob by f0-Star and Jacob by me.

But first things first. How did I "met" f0-Star?! Actually he messaged me first, when I was quite new online with my art and he also visited my deviantart profile, where my location is stated: We are both from Germany and as some turkish people might say these days: "Nazis" - Oh sorry I am mistaken: Dutch are Nazis - or who - so confusing - just watch the news for more ridiculous accusations. What about a game show with a wheel of fortune and the winner is a Nazi and the price is a new identity in Argentina. XD lol

Back to the Journal. 

I learned quite a lot about 3d art from f0-Star. How the 3d artists get their models, which programs they use, what are the difficulties... And we talked about how it is as an artist in the nsfw "world".
With f0 I did also an analysis about "why is there so much art of .... and so less of others". And now you might learn something pretty interesting.

Influence 1:

3d art is based on models, that come from the original game source. If there isn´t a source, there isn´t 3d nsfw art. And only a few artists create/edit new models or are even able to do so.

Influence 2:

The well known, famous artists. That is something most of them deserve for their hard and beautiful work for years. What they draw becomes famous, what they draw becomes popular. They can be the origin of a hype.

Less famous or new artists or wanna be artists tend to draw the same stuff like the "big ones". They follow the hype and the balance is lost: The variety of characters vanishes. In January suddenly a lot of new artists appeared with low quality content, that was hardly good enough to jerk off, when very, very horny. BUT they also only did hyped guys stuff and made the situation even worse. Not to mention that they were only here to gain easy money with little quality. It is just a pity, that these events can be troublesome for other artists who wish to work properly.

So f0-Star and me had a funny idea: We might not be that famous yet, but we can decide on our own who we want to draw/render. So we chose Jacob Frye, because he is cute and deserves more attention. This is our own little humble hype! ^^And it feels great and right and honest.

It is a lovely example that art has no need for rivalry and that there can be balance and diversity.  Well and I have to confess that f0-Star and I talked about other stuff, too. Like bouncing boobs in games, slutty fashion, men without bulges in fighting games, dickgirls, furries, bad internet, dates, Wolverine (and his eye colour), body hair, software, Diablo 3, game glitches, let´s plays, Japanoschlampen (I love this show, only german language), groceries... XD In general daily life and fun stuff. That´s it for todays Kings Journal and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

What do you think about our humble-hype? And have you ever looked for a character that has no fanart at all?

Please feel free to write your thoughts in the comments.

Kind regards your Greeneyedwolfking



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