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I tried out different colour palettes for Moustache the mutant.
I hope that some information about his character might be helpful to choose a fitting colour for him.

He is the result of experimenting with human, gargoyle and dragon DNA.
Moustache uses the sewers of Lykeen City to travel across the metropolis.
One of his secret hideouts is at the top of an abandoned cathedral.
He is very intelligent and has a weak spot for wrestling. Some opponents already mistook his face for a wrestling mask. The special pattern below his nose is the reason for his nickname "Moustache". His civil name before the mutation seems to be unknown.
Moustache has a connection to gargoyle Cole McReid, but the origin of their relation is unclear. Residents of Lykeen City consider Moustache as some sort of villain or myth, since most only know the urban scary stories about a monster that lives in the sewers.

Please choose your preferred colour for Moustache. Thank you for your vote.
Only one response possible.
Poll end: Tuesday January 24th 2023 23:59 PM CET


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