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Well, I guess, that many people are into sending and receiving New Years wishes, but my honest answer is: I am not. I feel exactly the same as I felt the day before and I am not suddenly filled with joy, hope and confidence, just because it is day X.

I am a grumpy man and no resolution would change that. But I felt natural joy while sketching my moody version of Baelohr. No joke, he captures my holiday spirit. xD

Are you excited about the new year or do you feel "meh" *shrugs*? Tell me in the comments. 




Welp. While people are celebrating and feasting during the new year's eve, I'm sleeping through it and have always been. Even my family saw me being extremely grouchy so... Hey, mood!


I feel you. High five for the grouchy ones! Seriously I slept with earplugs on New Years Eve. In a videogame I would simply skip that whole day. xD