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Previously I listed all anime shows I have watched. Now I want present all western animated shows I watched in my childhood, teenage years and adulthood.
I try to remember as many shows as possible.
Since I watched a lot of TV this list won't be short. Prepare to the see some classics and very famous franchises.
The first link leads to the English opening and the second link to the German version. When there is only one opening German TV used the English opening.

Here we go.

Care Bears


Little me watched this show about bears who shoot happy beams from the symbols on their stomachs. I wish we had the catchy American opening in Germany instead of that boring song.

The Bugs Bunny Show


Each episode of this show consist of several short cartoons with different characters.
For example Bugs Bunny or the Road Runner. There is plenty of cartoon violence, explosions and humour. I think I enjoyed the Road Runner episodes the most.
I think the German opening is better than the original one.

The Pink Panther Show


It's a show with short episodes showing different characters.
I prefer the German opening or is it the ending?! It's happy with rhymes and a big band.
I know the lyrics by heart.

The Tiny Toon Adventures


I liked this show (and I love the opening) much more than the origial Bugs Bunny show. Probably because everything is more modern and the characters are cuter than the original cast and there is some kind of a toon universe/world, where they all live.
The best part was, that I had a SNES videogame based on the show and I played it often.
It was kinda difficult and after a Wild West train chasing scene my fingers hurt every time.

The Flintstones


The show is about a stone age family and their daily life adventures.
It was already pretty old in my childhood, but I watched it.
There is also a life action movie with Halle Berry from 1994.

Blinky Bill



It's about a coala boy called Blinky and friends who live in the Australian outback.
I don't like openings with singing (shouting) children.

Tom and Jerry



I watched this show about a cat and mouse chasing each other, but I don't think, that I liked it much. I felt sorry for the cat.

The smurfs



The smurfs live hidden in the forest. Sorcerer Gargamel wants to capture them, because smurfs can be transformed into gold. Fortunately the smurfs manage to escape him every time.
The original German opening had a story teller, but several years later someone had the idea to produce a terrible song to exchange the old opening.


I don't like this version. It is so bad.

Captain Planet


Five kids have magical rings. Each ring can summon an elemental power. The fifth ring represents love. In my opinion, that was the useless ring.
Anyway. Together all rings can summon Captain Planet who fights for a clean environment and against pollution.
Well, this show has a strong „protect the planet“ message.



Scooby-Doo and his four human friends investigate scary cases about monsters and ghosts. They uncover mysteries and reveal fraud.

The Raccoons



I don't remember anything except the strange noses.

The Dream Stone



I almost forgot this show, but I watched it.

Alvin and the Chipmunks


Three mutant squirrels who can sing live together with a human guy who adopted them.
I think there is a 3D remake.




I liked the Animaniacs. It's a cartoon parody show about Hollywood movies and shows. There was also a very good SNES games, where the Warner brothers and the Warner sister travel all across different film settings. Fantasy land was my favourite.
The Animaniacs have some new episodes on Hulu, but I don't have that streaming service.

The  Wacky World of Tex Avery



I can't believe, that I watched it. Everything is anoying about this show and it is ugly. Really ugly. But I watched it as a kid.




I hardly remember anything of this show, but I watched it.
I think it is as old as the He-Man show and Bravestarr.
There is another Thundercats show from 2011. Honestly I have never seen an episode, but I drew some popular fanarts.

And I want to mention that the animation quality level of the opening from the 80s show is amazing.
Furthermore I think that the Thundercats have a big Bara potential. My fanart from the 2011s show is among my best selling items on Gumroad. Personally I think it would be nice to draw Lion-O from the 80s version, where he has big muscles.




He-Man is actually the prince of Eternia. With a magic sword he can transform into a big hunk who fights for good and peace. His enemy is skeletor.
At the end of each classic episode He-Man taught the lesson of the day.
I think there is new He-Man animation available.

Prince Valiant



I forgot everything about this show, except for the prince's haircut.




It's about a ranger or sheriff in space, whose buddy is a cyborg horse.

I wish I could have seen Galaxy Rangers. I found the opening while searching for Bravestarr. It looks like something I would have enjoyed.

Batman the animated series


Bruce Wayne fights against criminals at night to protect Gotham City. His secret identity is Batman.
There was a very hard SNES game based on „Batman Returns“, which is my favourite Batman live action movie.
I also recently watched „Batman the long Halloween Part 1“. I pretty cool animated Batman movie.



I watched the original animated series, where Peter Parker is bitten by a spider and becomes a hero and I watched the spectacular Spiderman series.

The Real Ghostbusters



Four guys in New York invented machines to catch ghosts. They founded a company for ghosthunting inside of an old fire department. When there is something strange in the neighbourhood people can call the ghostbusters.
The theme is so good. I also saw the 2 live-action movies as a boy and I also like the third movie with the female cast. In my opinion it is just hated, because sexist alpha males could not stand the idea of having the roles switched: 4 clever women and a sexy, retarded secretary man, instead of 4 clever guys who save a damsel in distress.

Ahh real Monsters


it was one of those kinda ugly Nickelodeon shows, but it was also kinda cool.
Actually I don't remember much of the story, but it was worth wathing.

Rocko's modern Life


Also kinda ugly and strange, but I watched this show. I remember, that the yellow bull was adopted by wolves and Rocko had mean green frog neighbours.



This show is about babies and how they see the world.



Lydia can summon a Poltergeist called Beetlejuice. Together they travel the world of the dead and have some small adventures.
The show is based on the life-action movie „Beetlejuice“, but there are many differences.
If you have never seen the movie, you should definately do so, because it is one of those cool 80s movies, that never tried to be mainstream. The producers just made cool movies they wanted to.


Powerpuff Girls



The opening explains the story. Three heroines fight against evil.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles



Four mutated turtles fight against evil Shredder and his crew. There are several mutants and one guy has a talking brain in his stomach, what was super creepy.
There was also a cool game for the SNES with a Coop mode.



X-Men are mutants with special gifts. They live hidden from normal people, but they fight to protect normal folks.




It's a show about a wizard and a witch who create a magic potion to curse the world. Each curse must be broken within time otherwise the world is lost.

Troll Tales


The main characters are two small trolls who experience different adventures in the forest.
The show was produced by Denmark and Germany and it contains a lot of folklore.

The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy


This is pretty much a parody show of almost everything.
The reaper is in Billy's and Mandy's debt. Nevertheless he tries to kill both.
The character Hoss Delgado is is based on Snake Plissken from „Escape from New York“.
A pretty cool action movie from the 80s.

Samurai Jack



I rate this show as very artistic. I remember an episode with zero dialogues and just animation and sounds. It was super cool and so different from other productions.
Of course, other episodes have dialogues. The story is about Jack who tries to defeat evil Aku.

Oggy and the cockroaches


Cat Oggy tries to get rid of three cockroaches. It's a simple plot, but I liked it.

Foster's House of Imaginary Friends


There is a house for imaginary friends, where they can live until they find a new home.
But some monsters stay at Foster's and they are the main characters.



I am pretty sure, that this show was produced for girls, but I watched it. It's about 5 girls who have magical powers and there is another magic universe.
I only remember this show because a friend recently mentioned it and I was convinced she meant Winx Club. So she described the plot and the characters and then I remembered „W.i.t.c.h.“.

Teen Titans


The Teen Titans are a group of young heroes who fight against evil. They are teenagers who still have to learn a lot.
I was lucky to watch the serious animated series, that unfortunatley does not have that many episodes, but it was a much better show than the new animated version, which is all about slap-stick humour.

The Fairly OddParents 



I liked this show. It's about Timmy who has fairies, that grant him wishes to compensate his troublesome daily life. There is a super beefy fairy called Jorgen von Strangle.
I have only seen the older seasons so I fortunately missed the moment, when the show got bad.
There is a huge hunk fairy called Jorgen.

Jimmy Neutron



Jimmy is an inventor, but most of his machines do not work as planned.

Angela Anaconda



I never understood the artistic choice to give all characters gray skin, but I think some episodes weren't that bad, almost funny. I guess people were not ready for artistic experiments in the early 2000s. Maybe the show would be more famous, if it would be aired nowadays. Nevertheless the short film where Angela is a Digimon, before the real Digimon movie started was just terrible.
Oh I forgot to mention the story: Angela goes to school and the story deals with her daily life problems.

The Simpsons


Well, the general show is about the Simpson family members and their struggle with daily life, school, job, private problems.
Like many other animated shows in my list I am more familiar with older seasons and I can not say anything about new episodes.
Back in my teenage years the Simpsons were not afraid to show serious episodes, for example about homosexual people and all the prejudices they have to deal with.
But I guess, that nowadays such serious topics would not work anymore or they would not be so relevant, because there are more LGBT characters in modern media.

Spongebob Squarepants



I watched Spongebob in the evening during my time in highschool.
I think it is one of the shows, that are fun for adults.
Spongebob lives in a pineapple underwater in a town called Bikini Bottom.
He works at the Krusty Krab. His best friend is Patrick a sea star.
I still remember some jokes and I laugh every time.
The chocolate seller episode is so funny or the one where Patrick and Spongebob become the Fyling Dutchman's students, but they are a total failure.
Pretty much all of the old seasons are great and he humour is not based on torturing a character.
Oh I love the magic shell episode „Can I have something to eat?“

Tales from the Cryptkeeper



Man I was scared by this show, but I watched it. Each episode was about a monster or a ghost. I was a coward and eerie stuff gave me goosebumps, but I was also fascinated by the supernatural. So my curiosity was stronger than my fear.
The eggy, squeaky bike from the opening reminds me of my first bike. It was my mum's old bike. So I had a turquoise lady bike. In combination with the worn out purple-turquoise 90s fashion clothes I got from my cousins I was a scary sight as well. xD

Extreme Dinosaurs


There are mutant dinosaurs. Some are evil and others are good and they fight against each other. I forgot the rest.

Hey Arnold


I liked this show. It's about Arnold's daily life experiences.

Drawn Together


Well the humour in Drawn Together is tasteless and I like it. I wish they would produce new episodes about a bunch of parody characters living together in a house with cameras.
One of the best episodes is about Toot who reveals the evil plans of a breakfast cereal company in Indiana Jones adventure style.
In general this show is pretty much everything humour-free woke people can't stand, so I doubt, that there will ever be new episodes.

South Park



I like the old seasons of South Park, when there were no complex plots and just random episodes. For example the new ugly teacher with super long boobs surrounded by cats.
Or when the kids travel to the rainforest to perform a song.
The World of Warcraft episode is fantastic. Although that's one of the newer episodes.

Ben 10



Ben finds a strange watch. By activating it he can transform into different alien heroes.
With this power he is able to fight against alien intruders on earth.

Bob Morane


I almost forgot this series about a secret agent, but after watching the opening I remember that it was super cool and the opening is well made imao. Actually it's one of my favourite openings.
The show seems to be based on a comic. The ginger daddy is hot.

The Jacky Chan adventures


I grew up with Jackie Chan movies and then he produced an animated show about... eh... well I remember an evil dragon and a blonde villain and there were magic talismans.
I forgot the story, but I enjoyed watching the show.

The Secret World of Santa Clause



The show is about Santa Clause and his elves who create toys for kids, while they face small or big troubles.

Mummies Alive



The opening actually tells the story. A boy is the incarnation of a pharao and four warriors protect him. Those four are mummies, who can transform into stronger hero-forms with cool abilities and fancy armor. I really liked this show.

Ja-Kal was my favourite character (blue armor). He was a bit a dad-type.
And I think I had a little crush on him, which is kinda weird, because he is a mummy.
Don't judge me, please. xD

The Last Airbender



Only the avatar can bend all for elements. Young Aang is the avatar, but he can not bend all elements. But time is short, because the fire nation tries to conquer the world.
This is pretty much one the best animated shows I know.
Likeable characters and a great story with a fantastic finale, that stays true to the characters personalities.

The Legend of Korra


Unlike most fans I am very benelovent. I love to see new ideas and I like the Legend of Korra for having the courage to tell a new story around the avatar.
In the past the avatar was meant to bring balance to the world, but in modern times human civilization has made so much industrial progress, that the avatar is considered as a useless relic. Korra has to deal with a world, that does not want her, while she tries to keep things in balance – what is not easy at all, because she has not found her own balance yet. Almost each time she tries to cure the world, things get worse.

The Legend of Korra has amazing villains, especially in season 1 and 3.
Like the last Airbender I consider the Legend of Korra as one of the best animated shows I have ever seen.
It is also the only animated show, which I watched completely in English, because I could not wait for the dub. I waited every week for the release of a new episode.

Star Trek: Lower Decks


I like Star Trek. I got into the show with Voyager. After that I watched TNG. I also watched Discovery (seasons 1+2) and I look forward to the new show with Anson Mount as a captain.
But now it is time for the Lower Decks. In this animated show the focus is on the crew members who do get any attention usually. The simple workers in the lower decks.
Well, they are not simple at all. They are very entertaining and funny and their adventures are insane. Nevertheless the show stays true to Star Trek. There is always a touching moment in each episode, when character does not give up dreams or stand up for the values of the Star Fleet. There are also many tributes to Star Trek lore and with the Lower Decks the franchise finally enters a much more relaxed galaxy filled with humour and heart.
I love this show and I recommend watching it.

After making this list I want to say, that I really enjoyed many western animations and I think that western productions are more creative and more courageous than anime.
The artstyle varies much more. From more realistic shows like Mummies Alive or X-Men to abstract styles like Spectacular Spiderman or even further to something like Hey Arnold or Ah Monsters.
Western animation also gets a plus point, because males have nipples more often than males in anime. I just hate it, when guys lack nipples in animation or games.
Western shows also show more adult characters literally and on a mental level as well. Exceptions are cartoons that are meant to be overly chaotic and insane like Bugs Bunny or the Animaniacs. I also think that Furry content is more common in the West.

Something where I see anime in the lead is making story progress. Many Western shows have an amazing concept and follow the monster of the day recipe, but there is hardly a real progress or change in the story. Once an episode is over the progress is reset to 0.
That's a pity, because the potential is not used.

Modern western productions tend to look more like anime, what is not bad at all.
The Legend of Korra for example.
In general I think that both Western and Japanese animation are connected and influence each other. Because of my European point of view, mindset or mentality, whatever you want to call it, I consider American/European productions as more accessable to watch. Many animes are just too hectic and childish and remind me of the Simpsons episode in Japan, where almost all family members have seizures while watching Japanese TV.


To be fair, there are high quality and trash productions no matter if Western or Japanese animation.
At last I am a huge fan of animation in general. I loved animation as a boy and I appreciate it even more as an adult. I would not have become an artist without all those cartoons and animes. So a big thank you to all creators.

I would love to know, if you know some of the shows in this list. You could tell me your favourite or guilty pleasure shows. Did you have a crush on a character?
Or is there someone you would love to see in a Bara artwork?
I look forward to read your comments.

Thank you for reading this journal. <3

One last note: Before this journal ends I want to mention a fourth KJ, that will focus on Disney's animated shows. It will release soon.

Now it is time to list all characters I could draw in Bara artworks.

Captain Planet

Marshall Bravestarr

He-Man/Adam or other guys from the show

80s Lion-O and other Thundercats

I like Batman (Bruce Wayne), but since another artist drew so much Batman Bara fanart (and then got sued by DC) I don't know if I want to draw someone from Gotham City.

Eddie from Spiderman

Shredder TMNT

X-Men, well I drew Wolverine several times so maybe some other mutant. Cyclops?

Bob Morane and that ginger guy

The big troll from Troll Tales

Samurai Jack


Valmont and Shendu

Ja-Kal  - is that necrophilia??? I don't know ^^;

Jack and K'ranch from Lower Decks




Just adding two things: - Don't watch the he-men newly made animated serie. It's my opinion but while the art is of great quality, the scenario and pathing leaves much to be desired.... (But you can consider man at arms and skeletor to be eye-candies xD) - Killer croc in the batman serie? May I have to add more? Hehe

greeneyedwolfking (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 16:16:25 So great quality with poor storytelling. Pity ^^; I can not just stare at their muscles for 20 minutes can I?! xD Go on. You can list more &lt;3
2022-09-12 17:08:19 So great quality with poor storytelling. Pity ^^; I can not just stare at their muscles for 20 minutes can I?! xD Go on. You can list more <3

So great quality with poor storytelling. Pity ^^; I can not just stare at their muscles for 20 minutes can I?! xD Go on. You can list more <3